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Traitement naturel contre l’éjaculation précoce

10 traitements naturels contre éjaculation précoce


Vous devez savoir que l’éjaculation précoce est un problème courant et traitable. Cependant, la bonne approche est nécessaire. Si vous avez été diagnostiqué avec ce problème, trouvez dans cet article les meilleurs traitements naturels contre éjaculation précoce. De plus, pour vous débarrasser complètement de ce problème, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter sur WhatsApp pour plus de détails.

L’éjaculation précoce se produit lorsqu’un homme expulse le sperme peu de temps après le début de l’activité sexuelle et avec une stimulation pénienne minimale.

Voici les meilleurs traitements naturels contre l’éjaculation précoce

Vous devez savoir que ces traitements ne peuvent guérir cette condition que pendant un certain temps.

Petit cola

traitements naturels contre lejaculation precoce
petit cola

De quoi avez-vous besoin ?

traitements naturels contre lejaculation precoce
Eau de coco
  • Poivre d’alligator,
  • Petit cola
  • Eau de coco.

Méthode de préparation

  • Prenez une grande tasse de verre d’environ 1,5 litre
  • Prenez 2 Petit, cola, retirez la coquille postérieure et coupez-la en morceaux plus minces, déposez-les dans la tasse en verre.
  • Prenez le poivre d’alligator et broyez-le en poudre, versez un peu dans la tasse en verre
  • Versez l’eau de coco à l’intérieur et laissez-la pénétrer pendant 12 heures
  • Ensuite 12 heures, buvez-le tôt le matin à jeun. Vous pouvez y ajouter un peu de miel, si vous l’aimez sucré.

Ail et éjaculation précoce

traitements naturels contre lejaculation precoce

L’ail est le seul stimulant naturel qui améliore non seulement la fonction érectile, mais agit également comme prévention de l’impuissance. D’où la relation entre l’ail et l’éjaculation précoce.

De quoi avez-vous besoin ?

Méthode de préparation

  • Utilisez la poudre d’ail écrasé + ashwagandha et faites-la bouillir dans la tasse de lait en verre
  • Mélangez-le avec un peu de miel et prenez-le matin avant le petit-déjeuner

De plus, pour vous débarrasser complètement de ce problème, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter sur WhatsApp pour plus de détails. Nous vous donnerons les meilleurs traitements naturels contre éjaculation précoce.

Lire aussi : Oignon contre cryptozoospermie

L’oignon vert et éjaculation précoce

Par quoi remplacer les oignons verts cebette

Saviez-vous que chaque problème de santé à sa solution dans la nature ?

Les graines de ciboule ou l’oignon vert sont un aphrodisiaque et aident à réduire l’éjaculation précoce chez les hommes. Ces espèces augmentent l’endurance et la force d’une personne, lui permettant ainsi d’étendre ses capacités sexuelles.

Pour utiliser ce remède, broyez simplement les graines et mélangez-les avec de l’eau.

Prenez ce remède 3 fois par jour avant les repas.

Les oignons blancs aident ainsi à augmenter les performances sexuelles et à renforcer les organes reproducteurs.

Clou de girofle et l’éjaculation précoce

clou de girofle ses 5 vertus sante

Les clous de girofle sont couramment utilisés dans les pays de l’Est pour augmenter la libido, surtout si les femmes manquent de désir sexuel. Les clous de girofle peuvent également être utilisés par les hommes souffrant de dysfonction érectile et d’éjaculation précoce.

Comment utiliser :

  • Combinez avec d’autres plantes aphrodisiaques comme le gingembre et la cannelle

DÉCOUVREZ AUSSI… Comment agrandir son pénis en 30 jours

De plus, pour vous débarrasser complètement de ce problème, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter sur WhatsApp pour plus de détails. Nous vous donnerons les meilleurs traitements naturels contre éjaculation précoce.

Huile de menthe poivrée

traitements naturels contre ejaculation precoce

Contrairement à toutes les autres herbes que j’ai mentionnées dans cet article, cette herbe n’est pas destinée à la consommation. L’huile de menthe poivrée est l’une des huiles essentielles les plus polyvalentes avec de nombreux avantages pour la santé.

L’application de cette huile peut fournir une sensation de fraîcheur et un effet calmant, ce qui peut aider à réduire les douleurs musculaires.

L’huile de menthe poivrée doit être appliquée directement sur le pénis. Après avoir appliqué cette huile sur votre pénis, elle rendra cette zone spécifique engourdie. En raison de l’engourdissement, il aidera à retarder le temps de l’éjaculation.

Comment utilisez

  • L’huile de menthe poivrée doit être appliquée directement sur le pénis.
  • Après avoir appliqué cette huile sur votre pénis, elle rendra cette zone spécifique engourdie. En raison de l’engourdissement, il aidera à retarder le temps de l’éjaculation.

Gingembre et miel

gingembre et miel

L’ingestion de gingembre augmente la circulation sanguine dans le corps, en particulier vers les muscles du pénis.

Cela donne aux hommes un meilleur contrôle sur l’éjaculation.

Le gingembre aide également à maintenir une érection, car il réchauffe le corps et accélère la circulation sanguine. Le miel est un puissant aphrodisiaque qui peut renforcer l’efficacité du gingembre.

La meilleure façon de consommer ce remède est de mélanger une demi-cuillère à café de gingembre avec du miel et de le manger avant d’aller au lit.

De plus, pour vous débarrasser complètement de ce problème, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter sur WhatsApp pour plus de détails. Nous vous donnerons les meilleurs traitements naturels contre éjaculation précoce.

Les meilleurs traitements naturels contre éjaculation précoce

Les meilleurs traitements naturels contre éjaculation précoce que nous vous proposons sont très efficaces. Il s’agit d’un mélange des meilleures herbes qui aide à retarder l’éjaculation. Voici la partie remarquable, vous n’avez qu’à l’utiliser pendant deux mois et vous êtes entièrement guéri.

Pour plus d’informations, contacter sur WhatsApp.

Nous vous donnerons les meilleurs traitements naturels contre éjaculation précoce.



Les carottes sont plus qu’un simple légume. Elles peuvent être utilisées pour traiter rapidement l’éjaculation précoce. Les carottes améliorent la libido. Ce qui vous aidera grandement à contrôler votre éjaculation. Pour de meilleurs résultats, consommez régulièrement des carottes cuites avec des œufs et du miel.

Légumes verts et éjaculation précoce

Legumes verts

Les légumes verts sont enrichis en antioxydants et en vitamines. Ils améliorent considérablement la qualité de vos rapports sexuels. Incluez autant de produits de ce type que vous le pouvez dans votre alimentation et consommez-les le plus longtemps possible. Vous êtes assuré de constater les changements positifs.

Paille d’avoine

Paille davoine

La consommation de cette herbe réduit le niveau de stress et d’anxiété chez les hommes, ce qui est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles elle pourrait aider dans le traitement de l’éjaculation précoce.

Après la consommation de cette herbe, un homme connaît une baisse significative du niveau de stress et d’anxiété, ce qui lui permet de rester calme et calme, ce qui l’aide a mieux performé et à contrôler son éjaculation.



Cette plante médicinale indienne est un remède efficace pour traiter les problèmes sexuels chez les hommes. Ashwagandha améliore votre puissance cérébrale et augmente également la libido dans le corps. Cela permet aux hommes de mieux contrôler leur éjaculation et de prolonger leurs rapports sexuels. L’herbe augmente l’endurance, et il est aussi efficace dans le traitement de la dysfonction érectile.

African Herbs for extreme weight loss


How to lose weight naturally and fast in 30 days

african herbs for extreme weight loss

Want to lose weight fast? Stay tuned.

There is a lot you stand to gain in weight loss. In this article, you’ll find amazing African herbs for extreme weight loss.

To have access to our weight loss treatment, contact us directly on WhatsApp.

Have you ever been scared or worried about your health, weight, and how fast you seem to be gaining more weight? If you want a real, permanent solution that actually works, and you can afford it, this is the most important message you’ll ever read.

The best African herbs for extreme weight loss


Losing weight is a challenge that many people face and not all achieve, especially after a certain age. Getting some exercise, even if it’s just walking, and perseverance are key, but so is not knowing what can help you lose weight. And nature, in addition to being wise, can be a great ally in your efforts to reduce those extra kilos from your body thanks to medicinal plants.

What you need to know about this treatment

It can be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of obesity, since the components of these herbs contribute to the loss of fat and body weight. This is due to the fact that it favors an increase in energy expenditure and fat oxidation, as well as a decreased absorption of lipids.

Note that this treatment comes in three forms and would be prepared to meet patients’ requirements.

Get the best African herbs for extreme weight loss in 30 days, contact us now on +22951472007

Here is a 30-day challenge to help you lose weight without stress


3 African herbs for extreme weight loss



african herbs for extreme weight loss

Garcinia is a plant, belonging to the Clusiaceae family, which grows mainly in Asia, Australia and tropical Africa. Its fruit, garcinia Cambogia is used in Asian cuisine, especially in India. Known as an effective appetite suppressant, it allows you to reach the state of satiety quickly, significantly reducing food intake.

The slimming virtues of garcinia Cambogia are due to the hydroxycitric acid (HCA) it contains. This compound works on several levels as an appetite suppressant and fat burner.

Here is a 30-day challenge to help you lose weight without stress


prickly pear 1

The most common species of prickly pear is called Opuntia ficus indica, it grows in Central America, in the Mediterranean basin (especially in North Africa), and even in Western Asia.

The prickly pear is distinguished by its varied benefits due to its richness in nutrients and various bioactive compounds. Indeed, nopal is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, and betalains, compounds that give it an important antioxidant property. In addition, the nopal fruit is rich in fiber and various nutrients.

Beyond its nutritional aspect, nopal was used as a medicinal plant to treat illnesses and heal wounds. Currently, various studies have demonstrated the benefits of nopal in medicinal practice, particularly in the case of type 2 diabetes. These medicinal properties are mainly due to the bioactive and phytochemical substances it contains. Furthermore, nopal is known to be effective in losing weight, especially in the case of a slimming diet.

Here is a 30-day challenge to help you lose weight without stress


african herbs for extreme weight loss 2

Ginger, or zingiber officinalis, is a plant that grows in India. It is used in cooking for its strong aromatic properties. In herbal medicine, the rhizomes (its underground parts) are rich in gingerol. Thanks to gingerol, ginger combined with a balanced diet and regular physical activity is an effective plan for losing weight. We have also written an article on ginger for weight loss to tell you more about it.

Lose 20 pounds in 30 days with this simple challenge

Thanks to ginger, fat accumulation is limited. Indeed, ginger improves the effectiveness of leptin, the satiety hormone, and therefore acts as an appetite suppressant.

Get the best African herbs for extreme weight loss in 30 days, contact us now on +22951472007


african-herbs-for extreme weight loss

Here are three simple steps you can apply to your daily activities in this journey:

  1. Include a variety of foods at each meal: to lose weight, your meals should include a balanced diet. Avoid too much or less of anything. However, you can eat more protein and vegetables.
  2. Exercise: Try doing some cardio workouts such as walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming. This is very beneficial for weight loss and general health.
  3. If you find yourself not losing weight, you may want to keep track of your calories to see if that’s a contributing factor.

Get the best African herbs for extreme weight loss in 30 days, contact us now on +22951472007

Lose 20 pounds in 30 days with this simple challenge

5 essential reasons to lose weight

african-herbs-for extreme weight loss

Your weight doesn’t determine how “healthy” you are, but sometimes losing weight to achieve a healthier you can come with some dope benefits.

  1. Did you know losing weight reduces your chances of developing cancer? According to the American Cancer Society, extra frame weight can boom your chance of positive forms of cancer. This includes the colon breast thyroid ovarian pancreas. Get the best African herbs for extreme weight loss in 30 days, contact us now at +22951472007.
  2. You might find this strange, but weight loss increases your sexual drive and improves your mood, YES. Some research endorse weight reduction can boom self-belief and your typical mood. There’s a right away hyperlink among weight-reduction plans and depression. Also, losing weight would possibly cause an extra energetic intercourse life.
  3. You may have heard this often, experiencing obesity and having overweight can increase your risk of high blood pressure.
  4. If you wish to reduce your risk of heart disease or stroke, avoid obesity or overweight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), stroke, heart disease, and other cardiovascular diseases account for 1 in 3 deaths in the United States. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce your risk of these conditions.
  5. Obesity is a leading risk factor for developing diabetes. Research shows that weight loss can also make a big impact in treating type 2 diabetes. It can improve insulin resistance and lower blood glucose levels, which are important ways to manage the disease.

Get the best African herbs for extreme weight loss in 30 days, contact us now at +22951472007.

Here is how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days


How to lose 20 pounds in 30 days: the best weight loss challenge

how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days

Truth be told, your weight may be ruining your life.

It’s sad but true, people are judged by how they look.

However, losing weight goes beyond being in shape and keeping you healthy.

A doctor friend of mine who also happens to be my colleague in a mastermind group took this and saw an amazing difference in all the areas mentioned after doing the 30-day challenge.

We are going to talk about the changes that he saw BEFORE and AFTER, and what you can do to get the same results in your own life.

How to Lose 20 Pounds in 30 Days:

In this article, we will also be focusing on five areas in which he saw great improvements from the test results, namely…

  • Weight Analysis
  • Eye Analysis
  • Cardiovascular [Blood Fat & Stroke volume]
  • Male Sexual Function
  • Immunity level

Here is how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days

(Eye) Analysis Report Card

Name: OMOTAYO ADEGBUYI Sex: Male Age: 48
Figure: Severe partial fat(170cm,85kg) Testing Time: 2016-06-25 15:09

Actual Testing Results
Testing Item Normal Range Actual Measurement Value Testing Result
Bags under the eyes 0.510 – 3.109 7 Mildly Abnormal (+)
Collagen eye wrinkle 2.031 – 3.107 0.661 Moderately Abnormal (++)
Dark circles 0.831 – 3.188 5.786 Moderately Abnormal (++)
Lymphatic obstruction 1.116 – 4.101 7.423 Moderately Abnormal (++)
Sagging 0.233 – 0.559 0.889 Mildly Abnormal (+)
Edema 0.332 – 0.726 1.315 Moderately Abnormal (++)
Eye cell activity 0.118 – 0.892 1.465 Moderately Abnormal (++)
Visual fatigue 2.017 – 5.157 9.142 Moderately Abnormal (++)

Reference Standard: – Normal    + Mildly Abnormal    ++ Moderately Abnormal    +++ Severely Abnormal

Eye report Before 30 days challenge

This was his Eye Analysis report before he took the 30 days challenge.[Don’t worry, he gave me the permission to share these private details]
From the above, you see that he is above 40 years, and weighs 85kg. Look at the report closely and try to spot a difference once I post the AFTER report 30 days after the challenge.
(Eye) Analysis Report Card

Name: DR OMOTAYO ADEGBUYI Sex: Male Age: 48
Figure: Severe partial fat(170cm,75kg) Testing Time: 2016-07-30 14:27

Actual Testing Results
Testing Item Normal Range Actual Measurement Value Testing Result
Bags under the eyes 0.510 – 3.109 6.487
Collagen eye wrinkle 2.031 – 3.107 1.182
Dark circles 0.831 – 3.188 4.917
Lymphatic obstruction 1.116 – 4.101 4.793
Sagging 0.233 – 0.559 0.618
Edema 0.332 – 0.726 0.677
Eye cell activity 0.118 – 0.892 1.1
Visual fatigue 2.017 – 5.157 4.873

Reference Standard:   Normal(-)   Mildly Abnormal(+)
Moderately Abnormal(++)   Severely Abnormal(+++

Eye report after 30 days challenge

Did you notice that his weight went down from 85kg to 75kg?
Did you notice that his Visual Fatigue was “Moderately abnormal” in the first report, but “Normal in the second report”?
What about his Collagen eye wrinkle, Dark circles, eye cell activity, and Edema, did you notice that the second report has better functioning of these parts of the eyes?
Now let us look at another of his test results, his Cardiovascular state of health [Talking about his physical heart conditions]

(Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular) Analysis Report Card

Name: OMOTAYO ADEGBUYI Sex: Male Age: 48
Figure: Severe partial fat(170cm,85kg) Testing Time: 2016-06-25 15:09

Actual Testing Results
Testing Item Normal Range Actual Measurement Value Testing Result
Blood Viscosity 48.264 – 65.371 69.259 Mildly Abnormal (+)
Cholesterol Crystal 56.749 – 67.522 63.468 Normal (-)
Blood Fat 0.481 – 1.043 1.558 Mildly Abnormal (+)
Vascular Resistance 0.327 – 0.937 0.543 Normal (-)
Vascular Elasticity 1.672 – 1.978 1.173 Moderately Abnormal (++)
Myocardial Blood Demand 0.192 – 0.412 0.517 Mildly Abnormal (+)
Myocardial Blood Perfusion Volume 4.832 – 5.147 4.105 Moderately Abnormal (++)
Myocardial Oxygen Consumption 3.321 – 4.244 3.992 Normal (-)
Stroke Volume 1.338 – 1.672 0.807 Mildly Abnormal (+)
Left Ventricular Ejection Impedance 0.669 – 1.544 2.307 Moderately Abnormal (++)
Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power 1.554 – 1.988 1.517 Mildly Abnormal (+)
Coronary Artery Elasticity 1.553 – 2.187 1.92 Normal (-)
Coronary Perfusion Pressure 11.719 – 18.418 12.322 Normal (-)
Cerebral Blood Vessel Elasticity 0.708 – 1.942 0.564 Mildly Abnormal (+)
Brain Tissue Blood Supply Status 6.138 – 21.396 5.792 Mildly Abnormal (+)

Reference Standard: – Normal    + Mildly Abnormal    ++ Moderately Abnormal    +++ Severely Abnormal

This is before the 30 days challenge

Please look at the report carefully and try to spot the amazing health improvements in the cardiovascular state of health from the second report which I will post shortly.
(Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular) Analysis Report Card

Name: DR OMOTAYO ADEGBUYI Sex: Male Age: 48
Figure: Severe partial fat(170cm,75kg) Testing Time: 2016-07-30 14:27

Actual Testing Results
Testing Item Normal Range Actual Measurement Value Testing Result
Blood Viscosity 48.264 – 65.371 50.566
Cholesterol Crystal 56.749 – 67.522 66.81
Blood Fat 0.481 – 1.043 0.643
Vascular Resistance 0.327 – 0.937 0.876
Vascular Elasticity 1.672 – 1.978 1.239
Myocardial Blood Demand 0.192 – 0.412 0.387
Myocardial Blood Perfusion Volume 4.832 – 5.147 5.106
Myocardial Oxygen Consumption 3.321 – 4.244 3.958
Stroke Volume 1.338 – 1.672 0.978
Left Ventricular Ejection Impedance 0.669 – 1.544 1.805
Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power 1.554 – 1.988 0.871
Coronary Artery Elasticity 1.553 – 2.187 2.051
Coronary Perfusion Pressure 11.719 – 18.418 18.452
Cerebral Blood Vessel Elasticity 0.708 – 1.942 0.421
Brain Tissue Blood Supply Status 6.138 – 21.396 13.49

Did you notice that his blood fat and Stroke volume was “Mildly abnormal” in the first report, but “Normal in the second report”?

Finally, let us look at the final part of the report, though this is not everything…
We will look at Male Sexual Analysis Report and see the difference in the BEFORE and AFTER reports.
Before and After the 30 days challenge.

(Male Sexual Function) Analysis Report Card

Name: OMOTAYO ADEGBUYI Sex: Male Age: 48
Figure: Severe partial fat(170cm,85kg) Testing Time: 2016-06-25 15:09

Actual Testing Results
Testing Item Normal Range Actual Measurement Value Testing Result
Testosterone 3.342 – 9.461 2.927 Mildly Abnormal (+)
Gonadotropin 4.111 – 18.741 13.82 Normal (-)
Erection Transmitter 3.241 – 9.814 4.859 Normal (-)

Reference Standard: – Normal    + Mildly Abnormal    ++ Moderately Abnormal    +++ Severely Abnormal

Male Sexual Function) Analysis Report Card

Name: DR OMOTAYO ADEGBUYI Sex: Male Age: 48
Figure: Severe partial fat(170cm,75kg) Testing Time: 2016-07-30 14:27

Actual Testing Results
Testing Item Normal Range Actual Measurement Value Testing Result
Testosterone 3.342 – 9.461 5.172
Gonadotropin 4.111 – 18.741 5.643
Erection Transmitter 3.241 – 9.814 3.487

(Immune System) Analysis Report Card

Name: OMOTAYO ADEGBUYI Sex: Male Age: 48
Figure: Severe partial fat(170cm,75kg) Testing Time: 2016-07-30 14:27

Actual Testing Results

Testing Item Normal Range Actual Measurement Value Testing Result
Lymph node Index 133.437 – 140.47 135.838 Normal (-)
Tonsil immune Index 0.124 – 0.453 0.275 Normal (-)
Bone marrow Index 0.146 – 3.218 2.995 Normal (-)
Spleen index 34.367 – 35.642 34.834 Normal (-)
Thymus index 58.425 – 61.213 58.436 Normal (-)
Immunoglobulin index 3.712 – 6.981 5.449 Normal (-)
Respiratory immune Index 3.241 – 9.814 3.71 Normal (-)
Gastrointestinal immune Index 0.638 – 1.712 0.719 Normal (-)
Mucosa immune Index 4.111 – 18.741 14.378 Normal (-)

Reference Standard: – Normal    + Mildly Abnormal    ++ Moderately Abnormal    +++ Severely Abnormal
Immunity very strong and normal
Now there are many areas I can’t possibly share because of time and other reasons such as Liver function, Kidney Function, Lung function, etc, which all experience tremendous improvements after the 30 days, but the thing is, there is a great health benefit for anyone who wishes to live longer and enhance his life to follow this procedure carefully and pay attention to the details…

STEP 1: Eliminate the following from your diet:

You need to cut out the following off your diet if you want to see great results

• Cow milk and dairy products
• No ice cream, no cheese, avoid sugar, no soft drinks, no packaged fruit juices,
– No food made from white flour e.g. bread, donought, cake, noodles, pasta, meat pie, chin chin.
• Mono = Sodium Glutamate (MSG), artificial flavors, colorings, and preservatives.
• Tobacco and hard drugs
• Alcoholic beverages
• Self-medication and
• Other 10 health-destroying foods and habits……..See these in the main book

Here is how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days: A 30 days weight loss challenge

STEP 2: What to eat for breakfast.

Eat only fresh fruits for breakfast for 30days.
You do not have to eat all fruits at once. Keep eating the fruits throughout
morning period.
Be careful about fruit combinations
For example, do not combine watermelon with any other fruits. Get the book for the right combination of fruits
If you are diabetic, substitute fresh fruits with freshly extracted vegetable juices
Get the book for how to combine your vegetable juices

Step 3: Eat some raw vegetable salad before your lunch for 30 days.

For lunch, you may eat any of your favorite cooked foods apart from the
forbidden ones listed in number 1 above.
Get the book for the right foods to eat in the recommended foods timetable

Step 4: Your Dinner Is This…


Step 5: Eat only recommended snacks in the report during lunch for 30 days

*You may swap your lunch with your supper. The rule is that you must only eat a
Recommended foods in the report. If you keep eating the way you have always done before reading this material, you will keep looking the way you have always looked, fat loss will elude you, and diseases will be incubating.
Now there are 15 steps you need to take, and even the 5 steps listed above are not detailed enough to explain everything in this space and time
Taking all these 15 steps will help you to have a fitness and health that you’ll be proud of.

My Dr. Friend has compiled all the 15 steps plus much other training in his material that has helped him and hundreds of other Nigerians, Africans who are between 25 and above to effectively control their blood sugar level, weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure.
His name is Dr. Omotayo Adegbuyi [PhD]. He gave me the test results that I shared with you. That is his personal results with the 30 days challenge which I believe you or anyone who is interested to effectively improve his health at a small cost will do.

If you’re interested to enjoy the type of optimum health that he currently enjoys which will help you to be less dependent on medications which come with lots of side effects, I will advise you to get his new material on this page
Your affiliate link HERE (either Video Sales Page (VSL) or Word Sales Page (WSL)

The Title says Natural Weight Loss, but the contents are designed for people who want to reduce their weight and also seniors in their Middle Ages and above who are currently going through some form of medication or the other. It’s not exclusively a weight loss program.

Here is how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days: A 30 days weight loss challenge

Best home treatments for HIV patients

herbal cure for hiv

Someone who suffers from the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) needs more attention for the health of their body. This is because HIV attacks a person’s immune system. In this article, herbcures presents to you several home treatments to help with this condition and improve your general health. We also have in place the best herbal cure for HIV.

To find out more about our herbal cure for HIV, contact us on WhatsApp or direct call: +22951472007 Or

Click on this link

What you need to know

Over time, this virus can weaken your defenses against opportunistic infections. Therefore, in addition to having a healthy diet, it is important to maintain immunity with herbal plants or natural medicines.

Home treatments for HIV

Then, what plants can help boost a person’s immune system? 

Aloe Vera

herbal cure for hiv-1

You may have often heard the name of this herbal plant. Yes, aloe vera does have many benefits. Both in the field of beauty and health. Aloe vera or kumari is an anti-inflammatory herb and has a healing effect on the immune system of HIV-infected people. But to get these benefits, aloe vera must be consumed regularly.


herbal cure for hiv

Garlic is also a herb that is very easy to find, especially in the kitchen. Apart from being a cooking spice, garlic is known as an immunomodulator, which is known as an anti-inflammatory agent. Garlic has the compound allicin which has antimicrobial and antiviral properties. People diagnosed with HIV can eat a whole clove of garlic every day. They can also use garlic supplements to boost their immune system.


herbal cure for hiv 3

Just like garlic, turmeric is also easy to find in the kitchen. Turmeric has a yellow pigment that has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antimicrobial called curcumin. This compound has the property to inhibit HIV from developing into AIDS. You can combine turmeric with pepper for better results.


herbal cure for hiv

Asparagus is a potent herb that can strengthen the immune system and improve its function by stimulating immune cells. If consumed regularly, this herb will help the body of people infected with HIV ward off external infections.


herbal cure for hiv 5

This one plant is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that are beneficial for the body. This nutritious fruit is good for consumption to strengthen the immunity of people with HIV. 

To find out more about our herbal cure for HIV, contact us on WhatsApp or direct call: +22951472007 Or

Click on this link

Can cinnamon unblock fallopian tubes in 2022?

Our ancestors used herbs and spices to taste meals and shortly discovered that a number of them appeared to
enhance their health. (you would be able to unblock fallopian tubes after reading this article).

Cinnamon for blocked fallopian tubes has also been proven to have great effects on women with blocked fallopian tubes and infertility in general. However, the question remains, “Can cinnamon be used for blocked fallopian tubes?”

According to WebMD, a small study by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City found that women with polycystic ovary syndrome who took cheap cinnamon supplements daily also took a placebo, which had an inactive menstrual cycle for six months. It was almost twice as much as received. Two of the women in the treatment group reported spontaneous pregnancies during the study.


Here in the Benin Republic, we have several traditional practitioners that deal in this domain. This treatment requires strict follow-ups and consistency, it takes about 5-6 months to get completely ridden off. Depending on the cause of your blocked tubes and whether you desire to pregnant, The best remedies will be assembled for you

To get more information about our herbal treatment, contact us at +22951472007 or click on this link

Here is a herbal supplement that will be accompanied by your treatment


Does cinnamon clean the womb and boost fertility? Let’s dive in.

It is no news that cinnamon has numerous health benefits, especially sexual. The answer is that a lot of women use cinnamon for womb cleansing and detoxing. But there is no guarantee that this will work 100% on its own. It, no doubt, has a great impact on these women, but on its own, complete healing and pregnancy are not guaranteed.

The best herbs to use while treating blocked fallopian tubes include angelica, chamomile, garlic, oleander, turmeric, red peony root, frankincense, and calendula. Do not take herbs without consulting a phytotherapist.

In summary, with benefits and effects similar to those of garlic, this herb is also known to reduce inflammation, increase blood circulation, and prevent blockage of the fallopian tubes. You can make tea from these herbs or add them to your diet every day to gain the benefits.

Here at herbcures, our treatment is individualized.

To get more information about our herbal treatment, contact us at +22951472007 or click on this link.

Here is a herbal supplement that will be accompanied by your treatment

Cinnamon for blocked fallopian tubes

Cinnamon comes from the dried bark of plants in the Lauraceae family. It was one of the first spices people used because it smelled so good. It is also a common Chinese medicinal herb that works by strengthening the kidneys, nourishing the Yang, getting rid of extra water in the body, and relieving pain.

unblocked fallopian tubes
Ginkgo biloba green leaves on a tree. Ginkgo Biloba Tree Leaves with Water Drops

Cinnamon tree and leaf oil can be used to make a valuable perfume and a synthetic version of a wide range of natural fragrances that can be used as medicine. Cinnamon has phenyl acrylic acid substances, which can increase blood flow to prostate tissue and improve blood circulation to nearby tissue.

At the same time, cinnamon is also good for you. Traditional Chinese medicine says that cinnamon can help strengthen the stomach, get the blood flowing, relieve pain, and stop diarrhea.

Cinnamon is often used to treat chills, cold limbs, and pain in the waist and knees and also that come from the kidneys not working well. It can also improve blood flow, ease muscle spasms, treat colds and pain, feed the genital organs (including the uterus), and help digestion.

Women who suffer from postpartum stomach pain, amenorrhea, or dysmenorrhea due to stagnation of Qi circulation might benefit from this treatment, as can those with dysmenorrhea or abdominal pain due to obstructed fallopian tubes.

Cinnamon oil kills bacteria very well, and it works better on Gram-positive bacteria than on Gram-negative bacteria. But because it is irritating, it is rarely used as an antibacterial drug. Also, because it comes out of the kidney, it will stimulate the area around it and make you pee more.

Découvrez 4 remèdes traditionnels contre l’hépatite b


Selon la science, l’hépatite B est incurable. Or, dans le monde traditionnel, c’est tout le contraire. Chez herbcures, nous avons le traitement à base de plantes parfait qui peut aider à traiter les infections à l’hépatite B qui durent plus longtemps. Savoir plus sur notre traitement de l’hépatite b en discutant avec nos experts.

Notre traitement de l’hépatite b est très efficace et sans effet secondaire

Quel est le traitement le plus efficace contre l’hépatite B ?

La médecine traditionnelle

traitement de l'hépatite b

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé pourquoi les gens d’autrefois tombaient rarement malades ? Essayez la médecine traditionnelle, alors vous saurez pourquoi. Ici en République du Bénin, nous avons le meilleur phytothérapeute avec la meilleure concoction pour faire disparaître votre hépatite en 2 à 6 mois. Cependant, plus vite votre système corporel s’adapte, plus vite vous guérissez.

Pour avoir accès à ce traitement, il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton WhatsApp ou de nous appeler directement

Notre traitement de l’hépatite b

Le traitement à base de plantes sont des tisanes, c’est-à-dire des tisanes sous forme de poudre que le patient devrait simplement boire deux fois par jour dans un délai de quatre mois selon la prescription.

Ces traitements à base de plantes que nous proposons sont des tisanes curatives composées de différentes racines, d’écorces et de nombreuses plantes médicinales que nous avons pu rassembler pour l’éradication du virus du système, réhabilitant ainsi les cellules qui auraient pu être endommagées dans le système de la victime pendant la période de contamination.

Durant que ce traitement est en cours, après le deuxième mois et les 14 jours de traitement, la toxicité du virus aurait été totalement désarmée et rendue inactive par le traitement en cours, puis, à la fin du quatrième mois, le virus serait complètement dissous, autrement dit éradiquée du système.

Notre traitement de l’hépatite b est très efficace et sans effet secondaire

“Parfois ces signes passent silencieusement, le mal disparaît par guérison spontanée ou passe à la phase chronique… ”

Voici quatre traitements incroyables pour l’hépatite b


Le chardon-marie, une plante qui protège le foie | Santé Magazine
La plante médicinale recommandée pour les problèmes de foie est le chardon-Marie. Ses précieuses propriétés de santé sont utilisées dans de diverses maladies et maladies de cet organe. Cette herbe se caractérise par une détoxification et un nettoyage qui contribuent à une régénération hépatique plus rapide. D’autres propriétés du chardon-Marie sont également d’empêcher les toxines de pénétrer dans le foie. Cette plante est aussi recommandée pour l’inflammation. 


Artichaut : bienfaits et vertus
L’artichaut est une autre herbe recommandée pour lutter contre l’hépatite B. Les extraits des feuilles de cette plante médicinale sont cholagogiques et cholagogue. De plus, des propriétés laxatives et antispasmodiques sont également notés. Cette herbe est pareillement caractérisée par un effet protecteur général sur le foie. Assurez-vous de l’utiliser si vous souhaitez régénérer cet organe.

L’utilisation régulière de l’artichaut lutte contre le virus de l’hépatite B, détoxifie le corps et affecte positivement ses fonctions métaboliques.

L’utilisation de cette herbe est particulièrement recommandée pour les problèmes et l’insuffisance hépatique, ainsi que pour les troubles de la vésicule biliaire et des voies biliaires. 


Pissenlit (Taraxacum officinale) : semis, plantation, culture, récolte
Le pissenlit est une plante curative populaire qui est recommandée pour de nombreux maux et conditions. Cependant, la fleur de teck est l’une des plantes les plus efficaces utilisées pour traiter les maladies du foie, dont l’hépatite B.

Le pissenlit a des propriétés cholérétiques, cholagogiques et laxatives. Il est recommandé de l’utiliser contre l’affaiblissement de la fonction hépatique, car cette plante se caractérise également par des effets anti-inflammatoires et astringents. Il convient aussi de mentionner que le pissenlit soutient le processus de détoxification de tout le corps par les reins.


Le millepertuis contre la dépression - Doctissimo
Le millepertuis, comme le pissenlit, a des effets multidirectionnels favorables à la santé. Il convient de l’utiliser pour une fonction hépatique anormale, ainsi que pour accélérer la régénération de la foi. 

Notre traitement de l’hépatite b est très efficace et sans effet secondaire

Reverse heart disease without the Body of Parasites


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition.Nunc dictum nisl at vehicula accumsan. Nam fringilla tellus sed ipsum porttitor pellentesque. Sed ornare nunc quis mauris vulputate sodales. Nullam sollicitudin lectus dolor, nec mollis augue iaculis ac. Ut massa tortor, facilisis nec blandit eu, efficitur non mauris. Morbi imperdiet eleifend felis at placerat. Praesent aliquet fringilla mattis. Aenean tristique commodo gravida. Donec vitae commodo mauris, iden pharetra dui. Integer tempor nunc sit amet tellus accumsan lobortis. Vivamus tempor, ex id dignissim sodales injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
Maecenas euismod quam nulla, at imperdiet ante pellentesque mattis.
Curabitur a facilisis dolor. Vivamus nec faucibus ante, in malesuada nibh.
Maecenas lacus dui, consequat non pretium et, convallis nec nulla. Quisque in nibh a quam dictum ornare.
Nullam malesuada facilisis felis, ut iaculis erat finibus sit amet. Nulla facilisi.
Donec vehicula vestibulum ultricies. Aliquam eget venenatis risus, pulvinar sollicitudin ex.
Curabitur a facilisis dolor. Vivamus nec faucibus ante, in malesuada nibh.
Image 2

Success is the result perfection,
learning from failure.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to embarrassing.

Keeping Your Fruits and Veggie Tip for Washing Fresh


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition.Nunc dictum nisl at vehicula accumsan. Nam fringilla tellus sed ipsum porttitor pellentesque. Sed ornare nunc quis mauris vulputate sodales. Nullam sollicitudin lectus dolor, nec mollis augue iaculis ac. Ut massa tortor, facilisis nec blandit eu, efficitur non mauris. Morbi imperdiet eleifend felis at placerat. Praesent aliquet fringilla mattis. Aenean tristique commodo gravida. Donec vitae commodo mauris, iden pharetra dui. Integer tempor nunc sit amet tellus accumsan lobortis. Vivamus tempor, ex id dignissim sodales injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
Maecenas euismod quam nulla, at imperdiet ante pellentesque mattis.
Curabitur a facilisis dolor. Vivamus nec faucibus ante, in malesuada nibh.
Maecenas lacus dui, consequat non pretium et, convallis nec nulla. Quisque in nibh a quam dictum ornare.
Nullam malesuada facilisis felis, ut iaculis erat finibus sit amet. Nulla facilisi.
Donec vehicula vestibulum ultricies. Aliquam eget venenatis risus, pulvinar sollicitudin ex.
Curabitur a facilisis dolor. Vivamus nec faucibus ante, in malesuada nibh.

Image 2

Success is the result perfection,
learning from failure.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to embarrassing.

Feel thirsty in summer anytime body’s way of telling


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition.Nunc dictum nisl at vehicula accumsan. Nam fringilla tellus sed ipsum porttitor pellentesque. Sed ornare nunc quis mauris vulputate sodales. Nullam sollicitudin lectus dolor, nec mollis augue iaculis ac. Ut massa tortor, facilisis nec blandit eu, efficitur non mauris. Morbi imperdiet eleifend felis at placerat. Praesent aliquet fringilla mattis. Aenean tristique commodo gravida. Donec vitae commodo mauris, iden pharetra dui. Integer tempor nunc sit amet tellus accumsan lobortis. Vivamus tempor, ex id dignissim sodales injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
Maecenas euismod quam nulla, at imperdiet ante pellentesque mattis.
Curabitur a facilisis dolor. Vivamus nec faucibus ante, in malesuada nibh.
Maecenas lacus dui, consequat non pretium et, convallis nec nulla. Quisque in nibh a quam dictum ornare.
Nullam malesuada facilisis felis, ut iaculis erat finibus sit amet. Nulla facilisi.
Donec vehicula vestibulum ultricies. Aliquam eget venenatis risus, pulvinar sollicitudin ex.
Curabitur a facilisis dolor. Vivamus nec faucibus ante, in malesuada nibh.

Image 2

Success is the result perfection,
learning from failure.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to embarrassing.

Cleansing the Body of Parasity Fruits and Veggies


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition.Nunc dictum nisl at vehicula accumsan. Nam fringilla tellus sed ipsum porttitor pellentesque. Sed ornare nunc quis mauris vulputate sodales. Nullam sollicitudin lectus dolor, nec mollis augue iaculis ac. Ut massa tortor, facilisis nec blandit eu, efficitur non mauris. Morbi imperdiet eleifend felis at placerat. Praesent aliquet fringilla mattis. Aenean tristique commodo gravida. Donec vitae commodo mauris, iden pharetra dui. Integer tempor nunc sit amet tellus accumsan lobortis. Vivamus tempor, ex id dignissim sodales injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
Maecenas euismod quam nulla, at imperdiet ante pellentesque mattis.
Curabitur a facilisis dolor. Vivamus nec faucibus ante, in malesuada nibh.
Maecenas lacus dui, consequat non pretium et, convallis nec nulla. Quisque in nibh a quam dictum ornare.
Nullam malesuada facilisis felis, ut iaculis erat finibus sit amet. Nulla facilisi.
Donec vehicula vestibulum ultricies. Aliquam eget venenatis risus, pulvinar sollicitudin ex.
Curabitur a facilisis dolor. Vivamus nec faucibus ante, in malesuada nibh.

Image 2

Success is the result perfection,
learning from failure.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to embarrassing.