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How does bitter kola help sexually?

Bitter kola, also known as bitter cola or Garcinia Kola, is a plant found in Central and Western Africa that has long been valued for its medicinal properties. Although traditional African medicine uses all parts of the Bitter Kola plant, the seeds are mostly commonly eaten.

Bitter kola seeds have a sharp, bitter flavor that eases into a slight sweetness as you chew and eaten raw.

bitter kola to last long in bed

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Here is how to use bitter kola to last long during sex

How to use Cinnamon for Fertility Fast(2021)

How to use cinnamon for fertility ASAP

Do you want to know how to use Cinnamon for fertility, both in male and female, today? 

You came right on time!

Cloves, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and other spices have long been used to treat a variety of ailments. Cinnamon (also known as dalchini in common language) is a well-known spice derived from this. 

It offers a number of health benefits, including the ability to increase fertility. Clove and cinnamon go hand in hand to improve fertility faster.

So, let us take a closer look at how cinnamon can help you enhance your fertility and overcome infertility. 

You will also learn about the numerous ways to use cinnamon to increase fertility.

how to use cinnamon for fertility

How to use Cinnamon for fertility

Cinnamon plays an important role in improving fertility in both men and women. The fertilization process is aided by its natural qualities.

The following are some benefits of cinnamon in terms of increasing fertility:

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1. Cinnamon benefits for male fertility
Infertility in men is most commonly caused by a low sperm count. Cinnamon is a spicy meal that helps to keep the body warm. 

Because of the warm effect it exerts on the body, it boosts sperm count in males through boosting blood flow in the pelvis. 

Cinnamon benefits for male fertility has proven to be very effective when mixed with cloves and other (rare herbs).

2. Cinnamon benefits for female fertility
Infertility in women can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of these include PCOS( get rid of PCOS NOW), insulin resistance, obesity, irregular periods, severe bleeding, and endometriosis.

Here’s how cinnamon can help with each of these issues:

how to use cinnamon for fertility in 2021

1. Cinnamon Effect on PCOS

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that causes cysts to grow in the ovaries and is one of the leading reasons of infertility.

 Cinnamon combined with lemon has been shown to reduce the negative effects of PCOS on pregnancy. It also helps to reduce the inflammation and discomfort caused by cysts in the ovaries.



Find out the best herbs for PCOS

2. Cinnamon effects on Irregular Menstruation

Cinnamon improves women’s fertility by boosting metabolism and regulating proper menstruation flow. Clove and Cinnamon consumption has been shown to boost menstrual flow, hence raising the odds of becoming pregnant.

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3. Cinnamon Impact on Insulin Resistance

Helpful Cinnamon Impact on Insulin Resistance
A successful pregnancy is less likely when blood sugar levels are high. Because ovulation and blood sugar levels are linked, this is the case. Clove and Cinnamon help women maintain their blood glucose levels by improving insulin resistance.

You are about to figure out how to use cinnamon for fertility

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What is the best way to take cinnamon powder for fertility?

cinnamon herbcures.org

Cinnamon can be used in a variety of ways to add variety to your diet.

The following are some of the methods:

1. Toss into tea
Do you enjoy drinking tea? Cinnamon powder or a cinnamon stick can be added to your regular cup of tea.

2. Cooking with Vegetables
You can use cinnamon powder as a cooking ingredient to add flavor to your regular vegetables.

3. Mix with Water
You may make it by heating a stick of cinnamon in one glass of water in the morning. Toss in a pinch of honey and a squeeze of lemon to taste. In your ordinary water bottle, place a little piece of cinnamon. Replace your ordinary drinking water with  the cinnamon mixed water.

Cinnamon Supplement Dosage Recommendations

Everything is good for you if you eat it in moderation. It is crucial to remember that consuming too much of anything can be dangerous.

For improved effects in PCOS and type 2 diabetic patients (reverse Diabetes in 30 days), it is recommended to ingest cinnamon in the following amounts:


  • Every day, consume 2 to 3 grams of cinnamon powder, preferably with honey.
  • It is recommended to take 2 to 4 ml of cinnamon tincture with water on a daily basis.

Or Click here to discover the herbal remedies to regain fertility naturally

How long should you take cinnamon for fertility?

For Positive Results, How Long Should You Take Cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a highly healthy spice for the human body, according to numerous research. However, if you want to see any great outcomes, you must be patient.

To treat infertility, you should take 1500 milligrams of cinnamon powder every day for at least six months.(Get this supplement mixed with clove and cinnamon to get results faster)

It can be combined with milk, which is also known for its fertility-boosting properties. It can be combined with honey and lemon, which are both proven weight loss aids, for a more effective weight loss.

Weight loss is aided by an increase in metabolism done by clove and cinnamon.


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Le miel soigne l’hépatite B


Le miel soigne l’hépatite B

le miel soigne l'hépatite B

À la question de savoir si le miel soigne l’hépatite B… il est d’une importance capitale de savoir ce que c’est que ce virus.

 L’hépatite B (VHB) est un virus qui s’attaque aux cellules du foie et qui entraine l’inflammation de ce dernier. Il s’agit d’une des hépatites dites virales. Ce virus est essentiellement présent dans le sang, le sperme et dans les sécrétions vaginales d’une personne infectée. Il peut demeurer vivant environ 5 à 7 jours à l’air libre. Mais heureusement que la nature nous offre de belles opportunités pour nous en débarrasser. À cet effet, de nombreuses études ont montré que le miel soigne l’hépatite B suite aux consommations appropriées.

Quelle est la différence entre l’hépatite B aiguë et l’hépatite B chronique ?

 Dans les six mois suivant l’exposition au virus, nous l’appelons l’hépatite B « aiguë ». C’est le temps moyen qu’il faut pour se remettre d’une infection par le virus de l’hépatite B.

Puis-je guérir l’infection par le virus de l’hépatite B ?

La plupart des adultes en bonne santé qui ont été récemment infectés se rétabliront sans problème. En revanche, les bébés et les jeunes enfants auront plus de mal à éliminer le virus. Adultes – 90 % des adultes en bonne santé élimineront le virus et se rétabliront sans problème ; 10 % développeront une hépatite B chronique. Tout-petits – Jusqu’à 50 % des enfants infectés âgés de 1 à 5 ans développeront une hépatite B chronique. Les nourrissons à 90 % deviendront des porteurs chroniques ; seuls 10 % pourront éliminer le virus.

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le miel soigne l'hépatite B

Comment guérir de l’hépatite B ?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Quelques conseils pour prévenir l’hépatite B !

Utilisez un équipement médical approprié pour protéger votre plaie, même s’il s’agit d’une petite plaie, surtout s’il y a du sang. Utilisez des préservatifs pendant les rapports sexuels. Si vous souhaitez un tatouage ou un piercing, assurez-vous que les instruments que vous utiliserez sont neufs et/ou stériles. A titre préventif, il est fortement recommandé de se faire vacciner contre l’hépatite B. Ce vaccin est disponible dans votre CLSC ou CSSS, la clinique du voyageur et plusieurs pharmacies. Habituellement, il est utilisé en association avec le vaccin contre l’hépatite A, appelé Twinrix. 

Faire bouillir les instruments utilisés pour les injections ou les tatouages ​​et les piercings corporels ne sont pas une méthode de désinfection. Ces instruments doivent être chauffés à des températures très élevées dans des équipements appelés autoclaves. L’eau de Javel utilisée comme méthode de stérilisation peut éliminer les virus de l’hépatite A et B, mais pas le virus de l’hépatite C.

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Holistic ways to reverse diabetes in 30 days


Not all people with diabetes need drug therapy. A healthy eating plan and exercise and effective herbal treatment alone can be enough if the person makes significant lifestyle changes. This health condition can be prevented by following a low glycemic load diet (basically, a diet low in sugars), staying physically active, and consuming our holistic treatment for diabetes in 30 days.

Food is pleasure, and diabetes is not a reason to deny yourself that pleasure. The diet for diabetes should be balanced and based on the principles of a healthy diet, just like people without diabetes.

All food contains three main categories of nutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. The main type of nutrient that affects blood sugar (glucose) levels is carbohydrates. You probably already know that when digested, carbohydrates are converted into energy for the body, or glucose. The glucose then enters the bloodstream and causes the blood sugar to rise. This usually happens 15 minutes after eating, depending on the type and amount of food. Insulin is needed in order for sugar in the form of glucose to travel from the bloodstream to the cells, providing them with energy. Since people with type 1 and sometimes type 2 diabetes are insulin dependent, it is important for them to know the amount of carbohydrates in all foods and drinks they consume. Knowing how to count the carbohydrates in food helps in calculating the amount of insulin to be administered usinga pen syringe or insulin pump .

What foods contain carbohydrates?

  • Starchy foods: breads, cereals, crackers, rice, pasta, and cereals
  • Starchy vegetables : potatoes, peas, beans, and corn
  • Fruit and fruit juices
  • Milk and yogurt
  • Sweets: honey, table sugar, syrup, jellies, candy, sports drinks, cookies, cakes, pastries, ice cream and puddings

Two methods for calculating carbohydrates:

  • System of Bread Units
    The essence of this method is to present food products in the form of portions, each of which contains 10 grams of carbohydrates. A portion containing 10 grams of carbohydrates is called a bread unit (also known as starch unit, carbohydrate unit, substitute).
  • Calculation of the amount of carbohydrates
    This system involves weighing products and calculating the amount of carbohydrates in each portion. The main tools for calculating carbohydrates are kitchen scales, labels on food packages, food calorie tables, and recipe books with weekly menus.

Nutrition for diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, can be based on special diets, many of which have proven to be successful. However, be sure to check with your doctor or dietitian before trying a new meal plan.

Low GI foods

Some people with diabetes find that a low glycemic index (GI) diet can help lower glycated hemoglobin levels. Replacing high-GI foods with low-GI foods avoids the sudden release of sugar into the bloodstream after a meal, which in turn eliminates spikes in blood sugar.

High GI foods:

  • Products with molasses, honey and corn syrup
  • White bread and white flour products
  • Potatoes, corn and carrots
  • White rice and white pasta
  • Chips and popcorn
  • Sweet fruits (such as pineapple, melon, bananas) 
  • Sugary drinks, beer and most liquors

Low-GI foods are more slowly absorbed in the body and do not cause a sharp rise in sugar after a meal. Low GI foods:

  • All foods with sweeteners (such as aspartame, fructose, and saccharin)
  • Whole grain rye or wheat flour bread
  • Nuts, olives and cheese
  • Red wine

When choosing which diet will become the basis of your daily diet, be sure to pay attention to its balance. The National Health Service recommends that you increase the amount of fiber in your diet while reducing the amount of fat you eat (particularly saturated fat) . While this recommendation mostly applies to people with type 2 diabetes who are struggling with being overweight, it will also be useful for people with type 1 diabetes.


  • Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Formulated to help support organs involved in blood glucose balance.
  • Helps maintain energy levels.
  • Promotes healthy weight management.

Exercise for type 2 diabetes

holistic diabetes treatment in 30 days

We recommend that you devote at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. The intensity of the exercise must be discussed with your doctor.

Examples of physical activity

  • Light  (all the above loads are considered light if they are performed without stress): walking, cycling, housework and gardening, yoga classes, bowling, table tennis, ice skating, dancing.
  • Moderate : brisk walking and cycling, swimming, aerobics, light weight lifting (barbell, etc.), tennis, football, basketball (amateur), going downstairs, skiing (downhill), snow removal, dancing (in the ballroom).
  • Severe : jogging, lifting weights (barbell, etc.) with heavy loads, sports (cycling, football, basketball, swimming, skiing), climbing stairs, professional dancing.

Find out our honey recipes for hepatitis b and c

The 5 Benefits of clove and milk That will change your life (2022)

Top 10 Benefits of clove and milk

Are you always drinking milk or  never heard of mixing cloves with it? There are various benefits of clove and milk daily intake. 

Reading this article, you would be amazed of the benefits of that clove and milk can enrich you with.

benefits of clove and milk

Why Clove and milk?

Clove mixed with milk boost the function of the heart, stomach, brain liver, kidneys, reproductive organs, the immune system and so much more.

benefits of clove and milk

What are the benefits of cloves?

Drinking clove water every morning can boost your immune system and protect you against infections and cases of flu. Clove water is an excellent source of healthy vitamins and minerals that can promote your health and immunity. It is also a great source of manganese, vitamin k, vitamin c, calcium, and magnesium.

What are the benefits of Milk?

benefits of cloves and milk

If you think we are only going to talk about how it will strengthen you inwardly when we say “health benefits,” you are only half right. Milk includes a number of qualities that can help you look better.

 After all, the Gods do not bathe in this elixir without a purpose. Milk may help you with almost any problem, from your skin to your hair. 

If you do not like milk, any of its derivatives, such as buttermilk and yogurt, have similar health benefits. 

So keep reading because once you learn about the benefits of milk, you will never go without it again.

Top 10 benefits of clove and milk

The health benefits of clove and milk

Here are the numerous nutritional and health benefits of combining clove and milk.

1- Infertility – it increases sperm production, sperm count, and sperm motility in men.

Furthermore, it promotes ovulation in women.

2- Sexual Prowess: A combination of milk and cloves boosts libido and sexual desires in both men and women.

sexes, aids a man’s ability to stay in bed for an extended period of time

3- Cloves, when combined with milk, improve the function of the heart, stomach, brain, liver, and kidneys.

4- Milk and cloves improve vision.

5- Relieves joint pain and rheumatism.

9- Enhances memory and comprehension. Beneficial for people suffering from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or Parkinson’s disease.
10- Removes excess gas from the stomach and intestines. Reduces bloating

Other health benefits of clove and milk

  • – A cup of cloves and milk increases bladder muscle activity and may help avoid urine incontinence.
  • – Milk provides calcium, which helps to reduce gum bleeding and tooth decay.
  • – it provides a sense of well-being

Clove and milk mixed with water?

The greatest importance and benefit of drinking clove and milk is to help for easy digestion of food and other bodily substances.

 Do you know that a cup of clove and milk mixed with water together can help to improve the production of saliva, which is needed to start the process of digestion in the human body?

 Clove mixed with water and milk can also increase the production and secretion of gastric juice found in your stomach, which will, in turn, reduced stomach inflammation and pains that can arise as a result of indigestion.

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Les clous de girofle pour tomber enceinte


Les clous de girofle pour tomber enceinte

Les clous de girofle pour tomber enceinte

L’histoire sur les clous de girofle pour tomber enceinte date depuis nos ancêtres jusqu’à nos jours. Ce sont des remèdes à base de plantes qui donnent de l’espoir à de nombreux couples confrontés à des problèmes d’infertilité. Certains couples passent leur vie entière à épargner pour des traitements invasifs coûteux à long terme de l’infertilité qui sont souvent infructueux. Bien que les herbes soient généralement considérées comme une thérapie alternative, la vérité est qu’elles sont utilisées pour traiter toutes les maladies du monde depuis des centaines d’années.

Clou de girofle : ses avantages

Les clous de girofle attirent l’attention par leur goût et leur odeur, ils sont également bons pour les problèmes sexuels, son effet aphrodisiaque rend les couples heureux. Le lilas était célèbre comme la fleur de l’amour dans les temps anciens et son effet aphrodisiaque apportait ainsi le bonheur. Il est bien documenté de dire qu’ils augmentent le désir sexuel des femmes et des hommes, c’est pourquoi de nombreuses personnes l’utilisent les clous de girofle pour tomber enceinte.

          Cependant, Le clou de girofle est une épice largement utilisée. Les clous de girofle ont des propriétés anesthésiantes et rafraîchissantes, donc mâcher ou sucer des clous de girofle est un traitement efficace contre les maux de dents et la mauvaise haleine.

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Puissant remède au clou de girofle pour tomber enceinte

La phytothérapie apporte de l’espoir à de nombreux couples qui ne parviennent pas à concevoir. Certains couples passent leur vie entière à épargner pour des traitements coûteux, à long terme et invasifs contre l’infertilité, mais ces traitements sont souvent infructueux. Bien que les herbes soient généralement considérées comme un traitement alternatif, la vérité est qu’elles sont utilisées pour traiter toutes les maladies dans le monde depuis des centaines d’années. Après tout, les plantes sont le seul médicament disponible pour nos ancêtres et les humains ont survécu, alors les plantes doivent avoir leur part ! C’est ainsi que les clous de girofle (plantes médicinales) jouent un rôle impeccable, facilitent également l’accouchement des femmes et augmentent leurs chances de grossesse.

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Comment utiliser les clous de girofle pour tomber enceinte ?

Ingrédients :

-poivre noire

-clous de Girofle


-fruits a 4 cotés ( tétapleura )


-Écraser une poignée d’akpi à sec, deux fruits à 4 côtés et sept poivres noire. Ensuite, ajouter des clous de girofle.

 -Ajouter  1 litre d’eau tiède

-Laisser refroidir complètement et filtrer.

-Faire la purge après vos règles jusqu’au 14eme jours,

Mode d’emploi

-Tiédir au moment de la purge !

-Commencer une poire chaque jour (du 4e jour du cycle jusqu’au jour de l’ovulation).

Astuce :

Laissez le produit le plus longtemps dans le ventre. Vous pouvez conserver le produit dans une bouteille au frais et tiédir à chaque fois que vous voulez l’utiliser.
Après la purge, vous pouvez aussi en boire. Faire la purge est essentiel à la réussite du traitement.

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Nos conseils !!

Comment prévenir l’infertilité féminine ? Évidemment, l’infertilité ne peut être évitée, mais des mesures peuvent être prises pour réduire les facteurs de risque. La cause d’infertilité la plus courante et la plus difficile à traiter est l’âge, et vous ne pouvez y faire face qu’en décidant de ne pas reporter la grossesse.

Inévitablement, une femme en bonne santé et fertile deviendra infertile en vieillissant. L’horloge biologique féminine suppose qu’ensuite l’âge de 35 ans, la fertilité décline rapidement en raison de la baisse de la qualité des œufs. Pour aggraver les choses, le taux de réussite du traitement de FIV pour les femmes de plus de 40 ans est également très faible. Si vous essayez depuis un certain temps de tomber enceinte sans résultat, le médecin vous recommandera une série de tests médicaux et d’enquêtes pour savoir exactement de quel côté se situe le problème de l’infertilité dans votre couple.

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une bonne mode de vie

Ce que vous pouvez faire, c’est avoir un mode de vie sain, avoir une alimentation équilibrée et éviter de fumer et de boire excessivement (1 à 2 verres de vin par jour). Il est ainsi important de consulter un expert sur la méthode contraceptive que vous utilisez et d’effectuer des examens gynécologiques de routine pour détecter à l’avance d’éventuelles infections vaginales.

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How to cure gonorrhea with garlic fast (2022)

Can you really cure gonorrhea with Garlic?

Yes of course! If you only know the right way to use garlic for gonorrhea treatment. It works better when mixed with other local herbs. Men and women who face STI problems usually apply the wrong method on how to cure gonorrhea with garlic at home.

Nevertheless, If you have been searching on how to cure gonorrhea with garlic, here’s your chance to get your final solution. Our health scientists and food  nutritionists have got you covered.

Read on to discover all you need!

Or Click here to discover the herbal remedies to cure gonorrhea naturally

How is gonorrhea transmitted?

The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes gonorrhea, a common sexually transmitted illness (STI). It is passed from one person to the next via sexual contact, which might include oral, anal, or vaginal contact.


Fortunately, it is easily treatable. Gonorrhea, if left untreated, can lead to a variety of long-term health issues in both men and women. Untreated gonorrhea in males can develop to epididymitis, an inflammation of the sperm tube. 


Infertility can be caused by severe epididymitis. It can induce pelvic inflammatory disease in women, which can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and pelvic abscesses, among other problems.

Don’t be misled! Using Garlic for gonorrhea has been proven to be the best naturally method 

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Pregnancy and Gonorrhea


Antibiotics may be prescribed by your doctor to treat gonorrhea. However, numerous natural herbal treatments have been used to treat this STI for ages. 

If you are pregnant, gonorrhea can be passed on to your baby, who may develop

  • joint infections,
  • blindness,
  • and blood infections.

In both men and women, gonorrhea can enter the circulation and create a disease known as disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI), which can be dangerous in extreme situations.


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How to treat gonorrhea naturally with the best herbs

Discover how to treat gonorrhea naturally at home

how to cure gonorrhea with garlic

  • Echinacea:
    Echinacea or coneflower hand’s anti-inflammatory qualities may aid in the reduction of inflammation in the genital organs, including gonorrhea. Its topical use, available in gels or creams, is known to help relieve skin issues and reduce inflammation. Echinacea extract has also been found to boost the immune system. This is another alternative to using garlic for gonorrhea (get it now)
  • Aloe Vera Gel:
    Anyone suffering from an STD may benefit from the cooling action of aloe vera gel. This potent plant may moisturize your skin and hasten the healing process of wounds. It is also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. To reap the benefits, use it as a gel and sip its juice.
  • Propolis extract: Because of its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antimycotic, antifungal, antiulcer, anticancer, and immunomodulatory characteristics, propolis and its preparations have several uses in the treatment of various illnesses.
  • Black cumin extract: The therapeutic usage of black cumin seeds in many traditional herbal systems is recognized for a variety of diseases such as various respiratory disorders, discomfort such as chronic headache and back pain, diabetes, paralysis, infection, inflammation, hypertension, and digestive tract associated issues.


  • Fresh oregano: has antimicrobial properties. It contains phytonutrients (thymol and carvacrol) that help fight infections like staph and gonnorhea. It’s high in antioxidants, which help prevent cell damage, and it’s high in fiber, vitamin K, manganese, iron, vitamin E, tryptophan, and calcium.

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How to cure Gonorrhea with Garlic in 2021

Though antibiotics can be used, it may not wok for everyone and can also alter your body’s chemistry and cause a side effect.

Just discover how to use garlic to cure gonorrhea naturally.

Take 4 raw garlic cloves throughout the day

  1. one in the morning ,
  2. two during the day,
  3.  1 before sleeping at night.


  1. Cut off the outer dry layer of the garlic clove
  2. chew the garlic clove
  3. swallow with a lot of water

For a rapid result, You can make a tea out of olive leaf extract and poured hot water. Kept refilling with hot water through the day. It actually has a nice taste to it with no sweeteners, very refreshing and a hint of sweet.

Keep the above regime for 1-2 months. It works based on your body system


Get cured Faster than using Garlic in 2021 with this herbal combo

The garlic needs to be raw. The allicin (active ingredient) in it has a very short life.

Garlic bread or roasted garlic or even garlic tablets may not to cure gonorrhea fast. And don’t stop until at least two weeks.

Antibiotics and gonorrhea

What are the side effects of Antibiotics?

What are some potential negative effects of gonorrhea treatment?

When it comes to antibiotic medication, one of the main concerns is side effects.

  1. All the antibiotics suggested can alter the bacteria that usually live in the bowel or vagina.
  2. Women may be more prone to diarrhea or vaginal yeast infections as a result of this.
  3. Another frequent adverse effect of antibiotics is gastrointestinal discomfort.

Other potential side effects differ based on the kind of antibiotic administered.

Cephalosporins can produce the following symptoms:

  • stomach ache
  • rash
  • allergy symptoms
  • kidney harm

Azithromycin may produce the following side effects:

  • stomach ache
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting

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How to prevent Gonorrhea from spreading

how to prevent std

What steps may be taken to prevent gonorrhea from spreading?
Certain steps can be taken to assist prevent the spread of gonorrhea.

There are also preventive steps that may be taken to avoid infection.

The most effective strategies to avoid gonorrhea are to:

  1. Use a condom during vaginal, oral, or anal sexual intercourse
  2. to refrain from sexual intercourse.
  3. Having a sexually monogamous partner who is not infected

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Can garlic cure gonorrhea and Candida?

There are numerous answers on the net now of if garlic cure gonorrhea and candida. Some are wrong while some are right. 

The answers that you would receive here are valid and backed up by research.


As said earlier, Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection that can lead to infertility if left untreated. On the other hands, Candida is a fungal infection. Symptoms of gonorrhea and candida can be absent in rare circumstances.

Painful urination and abnormal discharge from the penis or vaginal area are common symptoms. Testicular pain is common in men, whereas lower stomach discomfort is common in women.

Hence, Garlic is well-known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral qualities, as well as its natural healing properties. Allicin, a chemical component found in this immune-boosting herb, slows the growth of germs and even kills them. 


Thanks to Allicin that has brought the valid answer to how garlic cure gonorrhea and candida Today!

Garlic is used as a home treatment for bacterial and fungal infections because of its antibacterial and fungal qualities. An earlier 2005 study looked at the effects of garlic products and extracts on germs that cause gonorrhea. The researchers discovered that antibacterial activity against the bacteria was present in 47% of the items tested. The same experiment was carried out based on fungal garlic properties.

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how to cure gonorrhea with garlic

how many days should i eat garlic to cure gonorrhea?

Simply include garlic in your diet on a daily basis or consume more of these garlic pods to reap this benefit. Alternatively, you can smash several garlic cloves and apply them straight to the illness location, then rinse afterward. Hope this gives you the answer to if garlic cure gonorrhea as of recent.

How many days should I eat garlic to cure gonorrhea?

Take garlic for up to 30 days and thank me later!

Can Fibroid cause you to gain weight(In 2021)?


Can Fibroid cause you to gain weight?

YES! Fibroid and weight gain are frequently associated. They are tissues that raise your general body weight as they grow, much like adding extra tissue to your body would.

A fibroid can develop to the size of a full-term baby, altering bodily proportions in the same manner as a baby would, and can cause you to gain weight. Multiple cases of fibroid weighing up to 20 pounds have been reported, which is a lot of excess tissue in the belly.

fibroid and weight gain

How do Fibroids cause weight?

The weight that a fibroid provides to the body increases as it grows. As your fibroid weight rises on the scale, you’re more likely to notice an increase in fibroid symptoms. 

Menstrual pain, pressure, volume, and length can also increase. Larger fibroid may result in a noticeable outgrowth. It’s the kind of physical transformation that no amount of exercise or dieting will be able to reverse.

When symptoms worsen, it’s common for people to lose interest in exercising. Movement can be tough if you are in a lot of pain or have a lot of pressure on your body. Excessive bleeding is inconvenient and stressful.

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can fibroid cause you to gain weight

The sceince behind weight gain and fibroid

When you’re unsure of what your body will do, you’ll do very little to know physical activities. Less activity implies fewer opportunities to burn calories, which contributes to weight gain.

Fibroid can also cause weariness due to anemia followed by heavy bleeding. With less energy, activity levels drop even lower. You’re now dealing with weight gain due to constraints in movement, dread of exercise, and a lack of energy, in addition to fibroid.
Women in their 30s and older are more likely to have them. They’re also more common among women of African origin.

symptoms of fibroid

Common symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Fibroid can occur in the same place as endometriosis, or be mistaken for it. In addition, fibroids frequently cause anemia and general tiredness in women who experience severe bleeding as a side effect. 

Finally, there is a 1-in-1000 risk that a fibroid will develop into leiomyosarcoma, or cancer.

  1. Heavy periods
  2.  Menstrual cycles that last more than a week •
  3. Painful or severe cramping •
  4. Miscarriages •
  5. Lower back pain •
  6. Leg pain •
  7. constipation •
  8. Difficulty emptying the bladder •
  9. Frequent urination 

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Reasons for Sudden Fibroid Growth

Fibroid that have been dormant, tiny, and causing no symptoms can suddenly become active and cause discomfort. Rapid fibroid growth can be triggered by various triggers and events in one’s life. Changes in your health and well-being can be swift and severe.

Fibroid growth can occur for a variety of reasons. Here are a few of them.

  • Pregnancy 
  • hormone levels rise 
  • Diet changes

Is it possible that my weight gain is due to fibroids?

YES! It’s possible that you’re gaining weight for a variety of reasons. Fibroid could be to blame. It could be due to the variations in your food or activity habits. It could be something completely else.

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fibroid and weight gain checklist

Fibroid and weight gain checklist

Here’s a brief guide to distinguishing between weight gain in general and fibroid-related weight gain.

       The Most Common Causes of Weight Gain

  • You’re not eating as well as usual.
  • Consumption of food at a higher rate than typical
  • Significant decreases in exercise or activity levels, or a lack thereof
  • Water retention is caused by consuming high-sodium meals on a regular basis (bloating)
  • Pregnancy

Does weight loss reduce fibroids?

Is it true that decreasing weight aids in the prevention of fibroids?

Patients with fibroid tumors are frequently advised to lose weight in order to avoid additional fibroid growth. Fat cells produce more estrogen, and hormonal changes can cause fibroid growth.

They can be avoided by maintaining a healthy weight, eating a nutritious food, and exercising regularly. Additionally, avoiding hormone-disrupting substances such as pesticides and paints can assist.

While it may not appear that fibroids and weight loss are mutually exclusive, it is possible and beneficial to lose weight.

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how to loose weight with fibroid

How to lose weight with fibroid?

Weight gain and bloating can be reduced with a combination of fibroid therapy and simple lifestyle adjustments and herbal supplements.

can fibroid give you a big belly

Can fibroid give you a big belly?

Women with larger fibroids may acquire weight in the abdomen, giving them the look of normal belly fat. Fibroids becomes heavier as they grow. Due to the fact that fibroids can weigh 20-40 pounds, weight gain and pain will result.

Here are several examples:

  1. Medication to reduce bleeding and/or shrink fibroids by reducing hormone imbalance.
  2. Surgical procedures that eliminate all of your fibroids
  3. Substituting healthier options for your favorite comfort meals
  4. Consuming fewer calories while intentionally engaging in light physical exercise, such as walking
  5. It’s critical to make an appointment with your doctor or care team so that you can develop a treatment plan that’s tailored to your symptoms and circumstances.

Do fibroid make your stomach feel hard?

Yes! Fibroids are most frequently discovered during a normal pelvic examination. Your health care practitioner will press on your abdomen during this exam and may feel a solid, irregular bulge that could be a fibroid, which means your stomach will feel hard.

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Pumpkin seed oil

A study on 45 men and women who took an extract of pumpkin seed oil demonstrated a significant reduction in the degree of overactive bladder symptoms at 6 and 12 weeks. Symptom scores improved across all domains including daytime frequency, night-time frequency, urgency and urge incontinence1. While it is not entirely clear why pumpkin seed oil helps with bladder symptoms, it is felt to be from increased production of nitric oxide due to the high concentration of the amino acid, arginine, in pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are also extremely healthy and are rich in anti-oxidants, magnesium, zinc, and fiber.

Gosha-jinki-gan (GJG)

This is a Japanese blended formula of 10 different herbs, which can have an inhibitory effect of bladder contractility, thereby reducing urinary urgency2. It has mostly been studied for nocturnal polyuria, a bothersome condition where you produce more urine at night and wake up several times at night to go to the bathroom. It is felt to decrease bladder sensation via receptors in the spinal cord.

Vitamin D

An interesting study published in 20193 compared 55 patients with overactive bladder to 129 healthy controls, and found vitamin D deficiency was more prevalent in cases (80%) versus controls (34.9%). Depression and anxiety were also more common in cases versus controls.


A small placebo-controlled study showed significant improvement in urinary symptoms in 55% of the women taking magnesium. These women reported less urinary frequency, incontinence episodes, and waking up at night to urinate4. Magnesium acts as a smooth muscle relaxant, which may explain why it can be helpful in overactive bladder.

In addition to these, there are also some other nutraceuticals such as corn silk, marshmallow root, cleavers, and horsetail, which may help in overactive bladder due to their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. The nice thing about herbal remedies is that they are generally safe and well tolerated. But before you  start taking any supplements for overactive bladder, it is necessary to see a urologist or a urogynecologist to make sure that the overactive bladder symptoms are not being caused by acute or chronic urinary infection, interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome), or from a neurologic problem. Once these other causes are ruled out, you can discuss and explore herbal options with your doctor.

While there are several nutraceuticals or supplements which are felt to help with bladder symptoms, I highlight these ones because they have the best quality information.

Pumpkin seed oil

A study on 45 men and women who took an extract of pumpkin seed oil demonstrated a significant reduction in the degree of overactive bladder symptoms at 6 and 12 weeks. Symptom scores improved across all domains including daytime frequency, night-time frequency, urgency and urge incontinence1. While it is not entirely clear why pumpkin seed oil helps with bladder symptoms, it is felt to be from increased production of nitric oxide due to the high concentration of the amino acid, arginine, in pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are also extremely healthy and are rich in anti-oxidants, magnesium, zinc, and fiber.

Gosha-jinki-gan (GJG)

This is a Japanese blended formula of 10 different herbs, which can have an inhibitory effect of bladder contractility, thereby reducing urinary urgency2. It has mostly been studied for nocturnal polyuria, a bothersome condition where you produce more urine at night and wake up several times at night to go to the bathroom. It is felt to decrease bladder sensation via receptors in the spinal cord.

Vitamin D

An interesting study published in 20193 compared 55 patients with overactive bladder to 129 healthy controls, and found vitamin D deficiency was more prevalent in cases (80%) versus controls (34.9%). Depression and anxiety were also more common in cases versus controls.


A small placebo-controlled study showed significant improvement in urinary symptoms in 55% of the women taking magnesium. These women reported less urinary frequency, incontinence episodes, and waking up at night to urinate4. Magnesium acts as a smooth muscle relaxant, which may explain why it can be helpful in overactive bladder.

In addition to these, there are also some other nutraceuticals such as corn silk, marshmallow root, cleavers, and horsetail, which may help in overactive bladder due to their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. The nice thing about herbal remedies is that they are generally safe and well tolerated. But before you  start taking any supplements for overactive bladder, it is necessary to see a urologist or a urogynecologist to make sure that the overactive bladder symptoms are not being caused by acute or chronic urinary infection, interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome), or from a neurologic problem. Once these other causes are ruled out, you can discuss and explore herbal options with your doctor.

5 foods to improve sperm count (No 3 will shock you)


5 foods to improve sperm count

5 foods to improve sperm count(No 5 will surprise you)

Many couples’ lives and relationships are ruined because of infertility.
Sperm count, motility, and volume are all important factors in a man’s fertility, and hence a woman’s chances of conceiving.
Poor nutritional and lifestyle choices, among other things, have a negative impact on male fertility. Here are five great foods ( among which you will know how to use banana for male fertility) to help you boost your sperm count. 

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What is the fastest way to increase sperm count?

Follow these simple lifestyle practices, to boost your sperm count naturally:

1) Exercise on a regular basis to keep your blood flowing well.

2) Get your 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.

3) Lower your stress and anxiety levels.

4) Give up drinking, smoking, and using drugs.

5) Make an effort to keep a healthy weight.

6) Also use banana for male infertility

1) Walnuts : For improving sperm count and quality

walnuts (foods) for sperm count

Walnuts: Walnuts, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and arginine, can aid enhance blood flow in the testicles, as well as boost sperm’s volume and count.

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2) Garlic : For improving sperm count and quality

5 foods to improve sperm count

Garlic: Garlic is well-known for its numerous health advantages. It helps cleanse your blood, increase blood circulation, and raise sperm count and quality, which should come as no surprise.

3) Bananas : For greater sperm production and motility

banana for male fertility

Banana for male fertility has proven to be one of the best of its kind. Bananas are high in vital vitamin A, B1, and C, which help produce healthier sperm and enhance sperm productivity. Bromelain, an enzyme that improves sperm health, is also present.

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4) Eggs : For greater sperm production and motility

banana for male infertility

Eggs: With so many health benefits, eggs are a superfood in and of themselves. Eggs, which are high in protein and vitamin E, can help sperm production and motility, both of which are important for fertility. It can be taken for breakfast alongside banana for male fertility improvement.

5) Spinach : It contains folic acid that improves sperm production

spinach for sperm count

Spinach and other leafy green vegetables are high in folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of healthy sperm. Folic acid deficiency, in particular, is harmful to one’s health because it can lead to the creation of defective sperm.

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Are bananas good for male fertility?

It is no longer hidden that bananas improve male libido and controls or balances male sex hormones. Banana is rich in vitamin C, A and B1, and helps for male fertility in men by boosting their sex drives.


Eggs and bananas: For improved sperm production and motility
Broccoli & Spinach: Folic acid aids in sperm production.
Garlic and walnuts are good for sperm count and quality.