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Prostatitis natural treatment


Find in this article the best prostatitis natural treatment.

Effective treatment of prostatitis is impossible without an accurate diagnosis. Symptoms similar to prostatitis can also cause other diseases of the prostate gland. For example, prostate adenoma, vesiculitis, fibrosis, prostate stones, prostate tuberculosis, and sometimes sarcoma (prostate cancer). 

However, you could find in this article a similar treatment for all prostatitis problem.

Prostate Ezee Flow Tea: Prostatitis natural treatment

Benefits of this prostatitis natural treatment

  • Helps make urination more comfortable.
  • Help reduce frequent urination in men for more restful nights.
  • Helps relieve weak urine flow, incomplete voiding, frequent daytime and nighttime urination associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate gland).

Find out more about this amazing tea

Prostatitis in men: Meaning?

prostatitis natural treatment

So what is prostatitis in men? Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate), which is located under the bladder. The health of the entire genitourinary system depends on this small gland. If the prostate is unhealthy, erection, ejaculation, urination are impaired, the natural defense against infections and other important functions of the body suffers.

According to the form of the course, prostatitis is divided into:

  • acute, with a sudden onset and pronounced symptoms (usually acute prostatitis is bacterial in nature);
  • chronic, which lasts for many years, then aggravating, then “falling asleep.” Most often it is the result of not being cured in time or simply untreated prostatitis.

Sometimes various other factors besides the attack of bacteria can provoke prostatitis. For example, a sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia, frequent constipation, chronic inflammation (not only in the lower torso, but much higher – tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc.), weakening of the immune system due to stress, lack of sleep, bad habits, etc. Also, prostatitis can develop against the background of an abnormal sexual rhythm – both prolonged abstinence and too frequent sexual intercourse.

7 simple ways to ease pain and discomfort: Prostatitis


Tomatoes are rich in an antioxidant called lycopene. This powerful antioxidant can reduce prostate enlargement and reduce the risk of prostate cancer by killing cancer-causing cells. If you have difficulty urinating, then eating tomatoes can smooth your urination.

Hot shower

Not many know that a warm bath is also able to treat prostate problems. Because the warm temperature will treat, kill bacteria that cause prostate problems and reduce prostate pain.

Soak in a warm bath or hot tub for 20 minutes 2-3 times per day. The heat of the water will penetrate the prostate to reduce swelling and promote healing. Avoid prolonged sitting. A man sits on his prostate.

Find out more about this prostatitis natural treatment 



Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols which can reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which causes prostate enlargement. Eating pumpkin seeds is also able to reduce urinary problems associated with prostatitis.

Green tea

Like tomatoes, green tea is also high in antioxidants. This substance will reduce prostate pain, reduce the burning sensation, and control your urination.

Basil leaves

Not many know that basil leaves can reduce swelling of the prostate gland and reduce inflammation.As an adaptogen with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, holy basil provides all of these benefits. It can even help people with arthritis or fibromyalgia

Watermelon seeds


Not only the flesh of the fruit, watermelon seeds are also effective for treating prostate disease because of the high content of antioxidants in them. You can take watermelon seeds and then boil them and drink the water.

Sesame seeds

Despite having a small form, sesame seeds have great benefits for treating the prostate. Sesame seeds prevent prostate enlargement and cancer due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Prostate problems are one of the silent killers for men. Therefore, if you experience prostate problems early on, get rid of them with the simple ways above.

How to make clove water for fertility

How to make clove water for fertility in 2021

how to make clove water for fertility

Every woman’s dream is to become a mother. However, today’s lifestyle, work pressure, and rising stress levels have had an impact on women’s fertility.

As a result, they’ve spent a lot of money on self-medication or alternative treatments that aren’t even effective. But today, I’ll show you the best herbs for resolving all of your concerns.

Clove water is what you need, and it is readily available on the market at a reasonable price. Some people are unsure how to make clove water for fertility. The secret is to drink clove water on a daily basis. Consistency yields favorable outcomes.

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility

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How to make clove water for fertility

  1. Half a handful of cloves should be soaked overnight in a glass of warm water.
  2. The cloves should be thoroughly cooked the next day.
  3. Increase the amount of water if necessary.
  4. Water should be brought to a boil for around 15 minutes.
  5. When the water-color has thickened, turn off the gas.
  6. When the water has cooled, strain it through a sieve.
  7. Then you are free to drink the filtered clove water.

                (see also recipes for clove water that still works in 2021)

Now you have known how to make clove water for fertility, read more to know the secret no one has told you before about cloves!

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility

When to take clove water for Ovulation

how to make clove water for fertility

Not only knowing how to make clove water for fertility would solve your problems, but how and when to consume clove water will help you in a long run.

Clove water is consumed in the following manner:

  • On an empty stomach in the morning, drink a glass of clove water.
  • Before going to bed at night, drink a glass of clove water.
  • You can drink the water in which the cloves were steeped overnight if you don’t feel like boiling them in water.

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility

What clove is good for!

Does cloves prevent pregnancy?

Cloves are useful to women in a variety of ways, including:

  • Influences Ovulation:

Cloves have been utilized in the medical industry for years in various methods to increase ovulation. It also helps with ovulation.

Clove water increases ovulation in women when consumed on a regular basis. Not only that, but the likelihood of conception rises as well.

  • Getting Rid of a Yeast Infection:

Yeast infection can cause a lot of problems for a woman. Their day-to-day lives are likewise influenced. Cloves can be consumed to avoid this condition.
Periods are consistent: Not having periods can cause a slew of new issues, including infertility in women and health concerns in the body.

Girls and women should eat regular cloves to avoid these issues. 

This disease boosts immunity and is high in antioxidants, both of which are favorable to the liver. Eugenia is an anti-inflammatory component found in cloves.

If you have a toothache, clove oil can help.

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility

side effects of clove water

Side effects of clove water

Clove is a very useful herb that is commonly used in medicine.

It is used as a home cure to treat a variety of ailments, although it does have certain drawbacks, such as:

  • Extra cloves might irritate the mouth and cause slight skin irritation.
  • Leaving the clove in your mouth for several hours can cause gum disease.
  • Gum bleeding and teeth troubles have also been reported as a result of eating more cloves.
  • Cloves may cause allergic reactions in certain persons.

To avoid these reactions check out our alternative herbal cures to clove water

Clove allergy sufferers may experience difficulty breathing and facial swelling.
If you develop any of these symptoms after eating cloves, see a doctor right away.

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Top 10 Treatment for chronic prostatitis


Natural Treatment for chronic prostatitis

Are you looking for the best treatment for chronic prostatitis?

Do you intend to know  the best antibiotic for chronic prostatitis?

Or are you looking for Natural treatment for chronic hepatitis without spending a dime?

You just came to the right place at the right time!

Table of Contents

In this article, you will discover the Top 10 treatment for Chronic Prostatitis (read about acute prostatitis). Don’t give up! We are with you till the end.

Click here to get our Natural remedy just for you!

Before we dive in, have you been diagnosed of prostatitis?

Do you know that The process of diagnosing prostatitis entails ruling out other possible causes for your symptoms and defining the type of prostatitis you have? 

It is important to carry out diagnostic tests in other to determine the type of chronic hepatitis infection.

 Your physician will inquire about your medical history as well as your current symptoms. He or she will also perform a physical examination, which will almost certainly include a digital rectal exam.
The following are examples of initial diagnostic tests:

  • treatment for chronic hepatitisUrine analyses are carried: Your doctor may request that a sample of your urine be tested for symptoms of infection (urinalysis). In order to identify if you have an infection, your doctor may send a sample of your urine to a lab.

blood analysis for chronic hepatitis treatment




  • Tests on your blood: Your doctor may take blood samples to look for symptoms of infection or other problems with your prostate.
    Mammography after prostate surgery.

imaging test for chronic hepatitis treatment

  • Imaging tests.


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How many types of prostatitis are there?

Your doctor may find that you have one of the following forms of prostatitis based on your symptoms and test results:

  1. Acute bacterial prostatitis: This type of prostatitis, which is often caused by common bacteria strains, usually begins suddenly and causes flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, and vomiting.(see also acute prostatitis treatment)
  2. Chronic bacterial prostatitis: If the bacterium that causes prostatitis is not eradicated by antibiotics, you may have recurrent or difficult-to-treat illnesses. You may have no symptoms or only moderate ones between periods of chronic bacterial prostatitis.
  3. Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome is a combination of chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic discomfort. The most frequent type of prostatitis isn’t caused by germs. It’s not always possible to pinpoint the exact cause. Some men’s symptoms remain consistent over time. Others experience a cycle of symptoms that get more and less severe.
  4. Inflammatory prostatitis with no symptoms(Asymptomatic): This sort of prostatitis has no symptoms and is frequently discovered by coincidence while you’re getting tested for other abnormalities. It doesn’t need to be treated.

Click here if you are sufering from Chronic prostatitis !

Top 10 treatment for chronic hepatitis

These treatment is are in three phase;
1. Administered Drugs
2. Lifestyle and Home remedies
3. Alternative medicine

Treatment for Chronic Prostatitis (Administered Drugs)

Antibiotics for chronic prostatitis treatment

Treatments for prostatitis are determined by the underlying cause. 

  1. Antibiotics: The most usually prescribed treatment for prostatitis is antibiotics. Your prescription will be chosen by your doctor based on the bacteria that is causing your infection.
    If your symptoms are severe, you may require intravenous (IV) antibiotics. Oral antibiotics will most likely be needed for four to six weeks, but chronic or recurring prostatitis may require extended treatment.
  2. Alpha-blocking agents: These drugs work by relaxing the bladder neck and the muscle fibers that connect the prostate to the bladder. This treatment could help with symptoms including uncomfortable urinating.
  3. Anti-inflammatory agents:  NSAIDs (non – steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines) may help you feel better.

Natural remedies made for you without side effects

Home remedies and a healthy lifestyle treatment for chronic prostatitis

warm bath for chronic hepatitis treatment

Some symptoms of prostatitis may be relieved by the following:

4. Use a heating pad or soak in a warm bath (sitz bath).

5. Alcohol, caffeine, and spicy or acidic meals, all of which can irritate your bladder, should be limited or avoided.

6. Prostate-irritating activities, such as extended sitting or bicycling, should be avoided.

7. Caffeine-free beverages should be consumed in large quantities. This will make you urinate more frequently, which will aid in the removal of bacteria from your bladder.

Alternative medicine treatment for chronic Prostatits

Alternative therapies that have shown potential in decreasing prostatitis symptoms include:

8. Biofeedback: The signals from monitoring equipment are used by a biofeedback specialist to teach you how to manage particular body functions and responses, such as relaxing your muscles.
9. Acupuncture: This entails putting very small needles to varying depths through your skin at various locations on your body.
10. Supplements and herbal cures: The intake of herbal supplements can boost your immune system naturally without side effects and help fight against Chronic prostatitis. Ryegrass (cernilton), a substance found in green tea, onions, and other plants (quercetin), and saw palmetto extract are among natural therapies for prostatitis.

Avoid all the stress of getting all herbs from here and there! We have an already made solution for you, After combining different herbal plants and supplement.

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Relevant Questions To Ask!

Questions to ask your doctor about prostatitis include:

  • What is the most likely source of my symptoms?
  • What other ailments could possibly be causing my discomfort?
  • What sort of testing will I require?*
  • What treatment would you suggest?
  • Are there any other choices for treatment?
  • Do you have any brochures or other printed materials that I might have? What are some of your favorite websites?

Questions to expect from your Doctors or a health specialist!

What to anticipate from your physician.
Your doctor or a health specialist will most likely ask you questions like:

  • When did you first notice the signs and symptoms?
  • What is the severity of your symptoms?
  • Do your symptoms occur on a regular basis, or do they come and go?
  • Do you have a urinary tract infection that you’ve recently been diagnosed with?
  • Have you ever experienced a lot of urinary tract infections?
  • Have you recently had a groin injury?
  • What, if anything, seems to help you feel better?


  • To completely get rid of Chronic prostatitis, visit a Doctor for accurate diagnosis or speak to our Health specialist via the WhatsApp button.
  • Herbal Natural treatment has no side effect, so it is preferred to most drugs based on the body immune response.

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Top Acute Prostatitis Treatment Tips


Top Acute Prostatitis Treatment Tips

Before I reveal to you the Top 5 Prostatitis Treatment in 2021,

What is An Acute Prostatitis?

Acute prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that occurs suddenly. It’s a rare form of prostatitis that happens frequently in men.

The prostate is a specific small gland located at a man’s urethra, which is the tube that excretes urine and sperm. The prostate is responsible for supplying nutrients to the sperm and so plays a vital role in reproduction.

prostatitis acute treatment

Hidden facts About Acute Prostatitis 

  • Urination might be uncomfortable or difficult when you have prostatitis.

  • Other signs and symptoms include groin, pelvic, or genital pain, as well as flu-like symptoms.

  • Prostatitis can infect males of any age, But  it is more frequent in men under the age of 50.

  • There are several factors that contribute to the illness, which probed the research on the effective prostatitis acute treatment.

  • The source of the problem isn’t always obvious.

  • Prostatitis can usually be treated if it is caused by a bacterial infection by the use of antibiotics. But do you think it’s the best method so far ?


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Click here for more information concerning these treatments.

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Are you one of the thousands of people looking for a prostatitis acute treatment?

And often look for the solutions to these questions:

 questions on prostatitis acute treatment

  • What is the best antibiotic for acute prostatitis?
  • How long does acute prostatitis last?
  • What is the fastest way to get rid of prostatitis?
  • Will acute prostatitis go away?

Don’t be confused anymore! You will get the right answers  you need as you read through the articles below. Just stay focused and read through, we want the best for you.

How do you get acute prostatitis?

The common causes of acute or bacterial prostatitis are:

  1. Bacteria Strain ;

    Common bacteria strains are frequently responsible for acute bacterial prostatitis. When bacteria in your urine escape into your prostate, an infection can develop. Prostatitis may recur or become resistant to treatment if the bacteria are not eliminated (chronic bacterial prostatitis).

  2. Nerve Damage;

Prostatitis that isn’t caused by a bacterial infection could be caused by nerve injury in the lower urinary tract, which can be caused by surgery or trauma to the area. The reason of prostatitis is unknown in many cases.


Are you at Risk of Acute Protatitis ?

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Prostatitis can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

  • It doesn’t matter if you’re young or middle-aged.
  • Having previously suffered from prostatitis
  • A bladder infection or an infection in the tube that carries sperm and urine to the penis (urethra)
  • Experiencing pelvic trauma, such as from a bicycle or horseback riding accident.
  • Having HIV/AIDS is a serious condition.
  • After undergoing a prostate biopsy.

acute prostatitis treatment

What are the Symptoms of Acute Prostatitis?

Prostatitis is a frequent illness that affects nearly half of all men at some point in their lives. Acute prostatitis, on the other hand, is a rather uncommon condition. Despite this, due of different traits, it is usually easy to diagnose.

Some of the most common symptoms of acute prostatitis are similar to those of a urinary tract infection (UTI). They may include the following:

  • fever
  • pelvic discomfort
  • Urine with blood chills
  • Pain in the area of the pelvic bone
  • rectum, testicles, or genitals discomfort
  • Urinary discomfort
  • Increased urination frequency, foul-smelling urine, and soreness or discomfort during bowel movements
  • a weaker pee stream painful ejaculation blood in the sperm difficulties commencing urination bladder voiding problem

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Treatment of Acute Prostatitis

prostatitis treatment

  1. Antibiotics are frequently used as prostatitis acute treatment. It’s possible that you’ll need to take them for 4 to 6 weeks, or maybe longer. The antibiotic that is provided will be determined by the bacterium that is causing the ailment.
  2. A doctor may also prescribe medicine to help with acute prostatitis symptoms. To relax the bladder muscles and relieve discomfort, alpha-blockers might be utilized. A doctor may prescribe over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen in some conditions.
  3. A person with a severe case of acute prostatitis may need to be admitted to the hospital. When the urethra is blocked by an enlarged prostate, hospitalization is required. Antibiotics in high doses will be administered to the diagnosed patient in the hospital.

Prostatitis is a frequent illness that affects nearly half of all men at some point in their lives. Acute prostatitis, on the other hand, is a rather uncommon condition. Despite this, due of different traits, it is usually easy to diagnose.

Risk Factor

Risk factors for prostatitis include:

  1. Either young or adult age
  2. Having previously suffered from prostatitis
  3. A bladder infection or an infection in the tube that carries sperm and urine to the penis (urethra)

This is your Chance to be totally free!

Top 5 Home remedies for Acute prostatitis treatment

  • showering or bathing in warm water
  • Bicycling, for example, should be avoided since it puts strain on the prostate.
  • Abstaining from alcohol
  • Consuming spicy foods in moderation or not at all
  • Consuming a large amount of non-caffeinated fluids

Can you treat prostatitis without antibiotics?

The short answer is YES.

While the outcomes are about to be scientifically validated, some men may be interested in pursuing alternative therapy. The following are some alternative therapies that may help with symptom relief:

  • Using Acupuncture therapy.
  • Supplements and herbs.


A variety of lifestyle adjustments can help to lower the chances of having suffered from chronic prostatitis. These are some of them:

  • Using protection during sexual activity to reduce stress.
  • Avoiding processed foods and ejaculating at least once a week.
  • Consuming a nutritious diet that protects against pelvic trauma.
  • Keeping a healthy body weight.


Semen abnormalities and infertility are two complications of acute prostatitis.
The urethra might become blocked as a result of acute prostatitis.

 When this happens, a person’s bladder will hurt and be uncomfortable. A blocked or inflammed bladder might cause severe kidney damage if left untreated.

Other issues that may arise include:

  • The epididymis, a coiled tube at the back of the testicles, is inflamed.
  • Bacteremia, a bacterial infection of the blood.
  • Semen irregularities a prostatic abscess, a pus-filled pocket in the prostate

Natural prostatitis treatment made for you!

Important tips
Antibiotic treatment will eradicate most cases of acute prostatitis. Infections that are serious enough may necessitate a hospital stay.
Important tips
Acute prostatitis can develop to chronic prostatitis. Diet and lifestyle improvements may help to alleviate the symptoms of chronic prostatitis.
This is an Alert
Consult a doctor about the best treatment choices and lifestyle changes that may help to lower the risk of chronic prostatitis.

Kindly reach us on +229 51 47 20 07 to speak with one of our health specialist.

The Best natural remedy for varicocele


What is varicocele?

Find in this article the perfect natural treatment for varicocele. 

Varicocele causes many health problems and Infertility is one of them. It affects approximately 15% of males at their reproductive age.

Although the malefactor is responsible for 40:50% of the whole percentage, most of these male infertility cases are of unknown causes.

Bell natural cure for varicocele


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This is a natural remedy that successfully cures varicocele by strengthening the valves or valves located in the veins of the spermatic cords. The veins then become tonic and tenacious to facilitate the dynamic rise of blood along the veins to reach the most important veins such as the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava.

This natural remedy is the miracle solution to avoiding surgery. It allows you to regain all your fertilizing power. It has proven its effectiveness with dozens of resolved cases. Furthermore, it is one of the best natural remedies to cure varicocele and prevent surgery. Using herbal teas to cure varicocele usually gives great results because it helps prevent the operation. The solution to curing varicocele is found in plants.

Click here for more information concerning these treatments.

Or kindly reach us on +229 51472007

8 best natural treatment for varicocele

Note that these herbs below are meant to improve the general health of people with varicocele. 

To get the best cure for varicocele, click on the link above.


Peoniae natural treatment for varicocele

Peoniae is an amazing herb because every part of it is used in preparing a wide variety of medicines all over the world. Peoniae is best known for treating infertility both in men and women and helps in balancing hormones while averting miscarriages in women.

Panax Ginseng

Panax Ginseng natural treatment for varicocele

The more you will explore and find out about normal herbs, especially Panax Ginseng, the more you will be awed by awesome utilizations and parts they can play in re-establishing wellbeing, wellness and sexuality. This plant with numerous properties is an impact herb for male feebleness and barrenness, and it is due to this manner, it turns out to be compelling for male ripeness.

Tribulus Terrestris:

Tribulus Terrestris

It is the best-known herbal remedy for men. Medical professionals all over the world recommend using it for treating men’s sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction, spermatorrhea, and boost sexual desire.

Omega 3

omega 3

Cod Liver Oil rich in Omega 3 essential fatty acids found in fish and seafood, especially tuna, mackerel, sardines, and salmon.

Nuts and seeds

nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds as chia seeds, flaxseed, and walnuts plant-based oils such as soybeans and canola oil.

Coenzyme Q10


Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, research showed that this antioxidant can increase semen quality in infertile men, It can be found in plant-based oils, meat, and poultry, especially beef, chicken, nuts, and seeds.


L Arginine an amino acid that plays a very important role in males’ fertility, It transforms into nitric oxide which improves sperm functions, L Arginine can be found in meats and poultry such as chicken, turkey, nuts, and seeds especially pumpkin seeds and peanuts, beans, lentils, and finally dairy products.

Limit Alcohol and Soy

High alcohol and soy intake are linked with low sperm count. Soy-based foods can be detected in soy milk, soy sauce, miso, tempeh, and tofu.

Click here for more information concerning the natural treatment for varicocele

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Varicocele risk factor

Although most men with varicocele are able to father children and have no symptoms associated with this condition, many men can have effects from these dilated veins. These include:

  • Testicular pain on the affected side
  • Testicular atrophy, described as a decrease in growth, or loss in size of the testicle on the affected side.

Read more about the best herbs to treat testicular atrophy

  • Infertility can be caused by varicocele, and this issue is typically diagnosed upon obtaining a semen analysis demonstrating abnormalities in sperm count, shape, and/or motility.

Causes of Varicocele

  • One explanation for varicocele is that the valves in the spermatic cords, which carry blood to and from the testicles, stop working correctly.
  • Why this happens is not entirely clear, but it is similar to what happens when varicose veins occur in the leg.
  • One-way valves in the veins should always allow blood to flow toward the heart. Faulty valves can disrupt blood flow. The blood pools rather than moving smoothly on. This build-up of blood causes the vessels to dilate.
  • As with any other organ, a disruption in blood flow can eventually stop it from working properly.

Click here for more information concerning the natural treatment for varicocele

Or kindly reach us on +229 51472007

Fibrome traitement naturel

Faire disparaitre le fibrome avec les plantes : Meilleur traitement naturel contre fibrome

Trouvez dans cet article le meilleur traitement naturel contre fibrome. Ce traitement naturel contre fibrome a déjà aidé beaucoup de femmes avec le même cas comme le vôtre.

traitement naturel contre fibrome

Le fibrome est une affection fréquente en Europe : 40 % des femmes de plus de 50 ans développent un fibrome utérin. 

Il s’agit d’une tumeur bénigne, donc non cancéreuse, qui croît aux dépens des fibres musculaires de l’utérus. Très ferme, son volume varie de quelques millimètres à plusieurs dizaines de centimètres, et de façon multiple. Il provoque souvent des règles trop abondantes et trop longues ou des pertes de sang entre les cycles, accompagnées de douleurs au bas-ventre. Attention, on confond fréquemment ces symptômes avec ceux de l’endométriose, qui se traite différemment.

Lire aussi : Comment utiliser le gingembre contre l’endométriose

Traitement naturel contre le fibrome

En phytothérapie, un traitement bien mené donnera d’excellents résultats. Dans le traitement des fibromes, hémorragiques ou non, sous l’effet des dérivés progéstéroniques ou d’une amélioration du rapport œstrogène-progestérone.

Le yam (Dioscorea mexicana), par exemple, renferme un principe actif, la diosgénine, qui permet au corps de la femme de produire de la progestérone naturelle. D’autres plantes participeront à la diminution de la taille d’un fibrome par leur effet anti-inflammatoire et antioxydant sur le petit bassin et renforceront l’insuffisance veineuse et hémostatique. D’autres encore auront une action antidouleur.

Notre traitement naturel contre fibrome : faire disparaître le fibrome

Traitement Naturel des Kystes de Naboth

Si vous avez les problèmes suivants, tumorease est exactement ce dont vous avez besoin ;

  • ovulation irrégulière,
  • Blocages dans les trompes de Fallope,
  • Anomalies de l’utérus telles que les fibromes et l’endométriose
  • Kyste ovarien
  • Déséquilibre hormonal (y compris hyperthyroïdie et hypothyroïdie)
  • SOPK
  • Anovulation
  • kystes de Naboth

Cliquez sur ici pour l’obtenir.

Guérir de fibromes utérins par un remède naturel entièrement composé de plantes est possible. Le traitement naturel contre fibrome que nous vous proposons est constitué de tisanes faites à base de plantes. Ce remède a prouvé son efficacité avec des dizaines de cas résolus. Il est donc spécialement pensé pour les patientes qui n’ont pas envie d’avoir recours à la chirurgie.

Tous les éléments de notre traitement naturel sont complètement à base de plantes.

La tisane pour faire disparaitre les fibromes est composée de plantes qui ont fait la preuve de leur efficacité. Elles entrent probablement dans la composition de certains médicaments.

Cependant, nous vous offrons un avantage certain : l’absence d’effets indésirables et de contre-indications. Ils agissent en empêchant l’action de la progestérone sur l’endomètre (muqueuse de l’utérus).

Mais nos tisanes conservent les taux d’œstrogène dans les limites normales.
Contrairement à un taux élevé d’œstrogènes qui favorise l’apparition et la formation de fibromes, l’action du remède naturel est différente.

En effet, elle entraîne rapidement la disparition des fibromes et réduit vos douleurs. Ainsi, les saignements menstruels abondants cessent généralement à la fin du traitement. Globalement, la tisane expulse aussi tous les déchets contenus dans votre utérus.

Ce traitement a un effet anti-tumoral qui réduit le fibrome et améliore les symptômes

Cliquez sur ici pour l’obtenir.


Les complications des fibromes

traitement naturel contre fibrome

Les complications des fibromes sont rares. Néanmoins, certaines peuvent être graves :

  • L’anémie : Les fibromes peuvent être à l’origine de pertes de sang très importantes, pouvant entraîner une anémie (carence en fer) ;
  • La nécrose aseptique : Un arrêt localisé du flux sanguin du tissu fibromateux peut entraîner des douleurs pelviennes brutales et une fièvre et des pertes de sang noirâtres.
  • La torsion d’un fibrome : Une torsion d’un fibrome pédiculé peut entraîner des douleurs locales brutales plus ou moins permanentes et un état de choc avec réaction péritonéale marquée.
  • La compression d’organes avoisinants : Un fibrome d’une grande taille peut comprimer différents organes : vessie, veines (oedèmes, varices, hémorroïdes), nerfs (névralgies), rectum et sigmoïde (constipation).

Dans la grande majorité des cas, la présence d’un fibrome ne gêne pas le développement et le déroulement d’une grossesse. Cependant, certains se développant à l’intérieur de la cavité utérine (myome sous-muqueux) peuvent entraîner des avortements spontanés à répétition ou un accouchement prématuré.

Enfin, la déformation de l’utérus qu’ils peuvent occasionner cause exceptionnellement une implantation anormale du placenta nécessitant une surveillance poussée ou une présentation anormale de l’enfant au moment de la délivrance.

NB: Outre les suppléments à base de plantes ci-dessus, nous avons un remède spécial à base de plantes qui prend soin des fibromes en seulement deux mois.

Pour en savoir plus sur comment bénéficier de ce traitement naturel contre fibrome, contactez-nous au +229 52 12 44 75 ou cliquez sur le bouton WhatsApp à votre droite

Voici d’autres plantes recommandées pour guérir les fibromes utérins naturellement :

Poivre des Moines

Stimule la production de progestérone et rééquilibre naturellement les hormones.

Achillée millefeuille

Antioxydante, cette plante désengorge les petites congestions pelviennes. Il a également un effet anti-inflammatoire.

La vigne rouge combat l’insuffisance veineuse et a un effet hémostatique. Par conséquent, il réduit les saignements menstruels. Véritable soulagement pour les saignements menstruels abondants ! Malheureusement, des saignements peuvent survenir en dehors des menstruations. Utilisez toujours une culotte menstruelle pour une protection efficace et naturelle.

Pour en savoir plus sur comment bénéficier de ce traitement naturel contre fibrome, contactez-nous au +229 51472007 ou cliquez sur le bouton WhatsApp à votre droite.

Savoir plus sur l’hépatite


Hépatite B: Cause, symptôme et traitement

hepatite b

Qu’est-ce que l’hépatite b?

L’hépatite B est une infection virale qui endommage le foie. Avec un cours progressif, il provoque des maladies chroniques, des cirrhoses et des lésions oncologiques. La maladie fait l’objet d’une attention particulière, car elle peut être asymptomatique pendant longtemps sous une forme latente, elle est transmise à d’autres personnes.

Meilleur remède naturel contre l’hépatite

Selon la médecine moderne, il n’y a pas de remède contre cette pathologie. La bonne nouvelle est qu’elle disparaît généralement d’elle-même en 4 à 8 semaines. 


Pour ceux d’entre vous qui ont une hépatite aiguë ou chronique, ce traitement est fait pour vous.
Avec ce traitement naturel, vous vous souviendrez à peine que vous êtes un porteur. Ce traitement à base de plantes, contrairement aux médicaments modernes, n’a aucun effet secondaire.

Ce traitement aide à éliminer complètement le virus.

Cliquez ici pour obtenir plus d’informations sur ce traitement.

Symptômes de l’hépatite B

hepatite Les signes et symptômes de l’hépatite B vont de légers à graves. Ils apparaissent généralement environ un à quatre mois après l’infection, bien que vous puissiez les voir dès deux semaines après l’infection. Certaines personnes, généralement de jeunes enfants, peuvent ne présenter aucun symptôme.

Les signes et symptômes:

  • Douleur abdominale
  • Urine foncée
  • Fièvre
  • Douleur articulaire
  • Perte d’appétit
  • Nausée et vomissements
  • Faiblesse et fatigue
  • Jaunissement de votre peau et du blanc de vos yeux (jaunisse)

Comment l’hépatite B se propage-t-elle?

hepatite b

Vous pouvez être infecté par l’hépatite B par exposition au sang, au sperme et à d’autres liquides corporels d’une personne infectée. Vous pouvez contracter l’infection par:

  • Avoir des relations sexuelles non protégées.
  • Partager ou utiliser des aiguilles sales pour la consommation de drogue, les tatouages ​​ou le perçage.
  • Partager des articles de tous les jours pouvant contenir des fluides corporels, notamment des rasoirs, des brosses à dents, des bijoux pour piercings et des coupe-ongles.
  • Être traité médicalement par quelqu’un qui n’utilise pas d’instruments stériles.
  • Être mordu par une personne infectée.
    Être né d’une femme enceinte infectée.

L’hépatite B ne se transmet pas par:

  • S’embrasser sur la joue ou les lèvres.
  • Toux ou éternuements.
    Étreindre, serrer la main ou se tenir la main.
  • Manger de la nourriture préparée par une personne infectée.
  • Allaitement maternel.

Quels sont les facteurs de risque de contracter l’hépatite B?

En raison de la façon dont l’hépatite B se propage, les personnes les plus à risque d’être infectées comprennent:

  • Les enfants dont la mère a été infectée par l’hépatite B.
  • Les enfants qui ont été adoptés dans des pays où les taux d’infection par l’hépatite B. sont élevés.
  • Les personnes qui ont des relations sexuelles non protégées ou qui ont reçu un diagnostic d’infection sexuellement transmissible.
    Les personnes qui vivent ou travaillent dans un cadre institutionnel, comme les prisons ou les foyers de groupe.
  • Fournisseurs de soins de santé et premiers intervenants.
  • Les personnes qui partagent des aiguilles ou des seringues.
  • Les personnes qui vivent en étroite collaboration avec une personne infectée par l’hépatite B chronique.
  • Les personnes sous dialyse.

Existe-t-il un remède contre l’hépatite B chronique?

À l’heure actuelle, il n’existe pas de remède complet contre l’hépatite B. Mais une fois gérée correctement, les personnes vivant avec le virus peuvent espérer mener une vie normale. Maintenir une alimentation saine et éviter les boissons alcoolisées et les produits du tabac sont des éléments essentiels de la gestion de la maladie.


Cliquez ici pour obtenir plus d’informations sur ce traitement.

Directives à suivre si vous avez le virus de type b

  • Mangez des aliments nutritifs, en choisissant parmi une variété de légumes, de fruits et de protéines saines.
  • On dit que les légumes calcifères (comme le chou, le brocoli, le chou-fleur et les choux de Bruxelles) sont particulièrement bons pour protéger le foie.
  • Exercice régulier.
  • Ne fumez pas et ne buvez pas.
  • Le tabac et l’alcool sont tous deux mauvais pour votre foie.
  • Faites des choses qui vous aident à faire face au stress, comme tenir un journal, parler avec les autres, méditer et faire du yoga.
  • Évitez d’inhaler les vapeurs toxiques.

Treat varicose veins naturally


Learn in this article, 3 medicinal plants to help treat varicose veins naturally.

It’s estimated that varicose veins will affect 20 percent of all adults at some point in their lives.

The varicose veins are those that become inflamed and can be seen through the skin.

One in ten people suffers from varicose veins and women are the ones who suffer the most. 

Why do varicose veins appear?

medicinal plants to treat varicocele naturally

Suffering from varicose veins is something really common. Our heart must push the blood with sufficient force to a complex network of arteries, veins, and capillaries. It is a journey of nutrients and oxygen, where at times, your impulse does not arrive with enough force.

It can stop in the farthest corners, on the feet and hands, and on veins trapped by poor posture, or by their improper health. Therefore, the blood ends up accumulating either in the form of spiders or more prominent veins.

Veins are distinguished from arteries in that they are much thinner. In addition, they have valves that prevent blood from rising back to the heart so easily. If for whatever reason, our veins are not particularly healthy, blood accumulates in them and cannot flow.

Then the walls of the veins widen, resulting in valves losing the ability to retain blood, which causes varicose veins.

The factors that determine them are usually the following:

  • Hereditary factors.
  • A sedentary life.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • Hormonal problems
  • Obesity.
  • The tobacco habit.

Bell lifestyle medicinal plants against varicose veins: treat naturally

Below is the best herbal combo to treat varicose veins without side effects. These treatments will help you lead a normal life.

cellules souches

Click here to find out more OR contact us on +229 51472007 for more information.

What you should have in mind about herbal treatments

Phytotherapy offers different medicinal plants that contain phlebotonic active ingredients, natural compounds with toning activity in veins and capillaries, effective both to improve symptoms and to slow down their evolution. Among these compounds, the tannins that improve the tonicity of the capillaries and the flavonoids that increase the resistance of the venous capillaries, reducing their permeability and improving their functioning, stand out. They can be administered in the form of a gel or cream on the legs with a slight upward massage or ingested in the form of pharmaceutical preparations such as capsules or ampoules.


Red vine

medicinal plants to treat varicose veins naturally                       

Plant rich in tannins and vitamins A, B1, B5, B6, and C. It is an excellent tonic that protects and increases capillary resistance and combats venous insufficiency. Tones the veins improving the feeling of tired legs, varicose veins, and blood circulation.

Horse chestnut

horse chestnut, medicinal plants to treat varicocele naturally

Its flavonoids and tannins prevent the formation of varicose veins. It is also a vasoconstrictor and blood thinner. It contains aescin from where its effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory and esculin comes from, which makes it a powerful vein-strengthening venotonic. Its leaves are rich in vitamin K, the anti-hemorrhagic vitamin par excellence.

Chestnut infusion. Crush two pilongas chestnuts with their skin and cook them for 10 minutes in a saucepan with a little water. Let stand 5 minutes, strain and drink this liquid on an empty stomach. This remedy is indicated for varicose veins, hemorrhoids and heavy legs. It has a stimulating effect on circulation, so it is also good for cold and swollen feet.


yarrow, medicinal plants to treat varicose veins naturally
This plant may not sound so familiar to you. You can find it in natural stores such as “La Achillea Millefolium”, or Herb of Achilles. It is basically a wonderful hypotensive, relieves varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

It is also healing, antispasmodic, bactericidal, and sedative. You can consume a cup a day in the afternoon. The taste is very nice.

Click here to find out more about this herbal treatment OR contact us on +229 51472007 for more information.

All you need to know: Varicose veins


What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are an aesthetic, health problem that is relatively common among all types of people, especially among those who have already left the stage of youth behind.

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins. Any superficial vein may become varicose, but the veins most commonly affected are those in your legs. That’s because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins of your lower body.

It’s estimated that varicose veins will affect 20 percent of all adults at some point in their lives. The twisted, enlarged veins can frequently cause pain, itching, and discomfort. Medical procedures are now available to treat varicose veins, but if you want to avoid costly procedures, these home remedies might help.

In this article, we will see several treatments to eliminate varicose veins naturally.


How can you identify varicose veins?

Varicose veins may not cause any pain. Signs you may have varicose veins include:

  • Veins that are dark purple or blue in color, could also be experienced in the scrotum. This is called varicocele, whereby the scrotum enlarges, becoming uncomfortable and unpleasant.
  • Veins that appear twisted and bulging; are often like cords on your legs

When painful signs and symptoms occur, they may include:

  • An achy or heavy feeling in your legs
  • Burning, throbbing, muscle cramping, and swelling in your lower legs
  • Worsened pain after sitting or standing for a long time
  • Itching around one or more of your veins
  • Skin discoloration around a varicose vein

Spider veins are similar to varicose veins, but they’re smaller. Spider veins are found closer to the skin’s surface and are often red or blue.

Read below, our best-selling remedy to treat varicocele naturally and effectively by working against the symptoms mentioned above.

Bell Herbal remedy for varicose veins

cellules souches

Click here for more information concerning these treatments.

Or kindly reach us on +229 51472007

Is there a way to prevent varicose veins?

There’s no method to completely prevent varicose veins. However, improving your circulation and muscle tone may reduce your risk of developing varicose veins or getting additional ones. The same measures you can take to treat the discomfort from varicose veins at home can help prevent varicose veins, including:

  • Exercising
  • Watching your weight
  • Eating a high-fiber, low-salt diet
  • Avoiding high heels and tight hosiery
  • Elevating your legs
  • Changing your sitting or standing position regularly


Did you know varicose veins come with complications?

varicose veins

Below are some of these complications

  • Ulcers
  • Blood clots
  • Bleeding
  • Ulcers. Painful ulcers may form on the skin near varicose veins, particularly near the ankles. A discolored spot on the skin usually begins before the ulcer forms. See your doctor immediately if you suspect you’ve developed an ulcer.
  • Blood clots. Occasionally, veins deep within the legs become enlarged. In such cases, the affected leg may become painful and swell. Any persistent leg pain or swelling warrants medical attention because it may indicate a blood clot — a condition known medically as thrombophlebitis.
  • Bleeding. Occasionally, veins very close to the skin may burst. This usually causes only minor bleeding. But any bleeding requires medical attention.

In summary

Home remedies and a healthy lifestyle can help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. However, the research on most alternative treatments and herbal remedies is still ongoing. Official sources to back the efficiency of these treatments are scarce.

With bell lifestyle, you can improve your health and get rid of the unfavorable symptoms that come with varicose veins.

Click here for more information concerning these treatments for varicose veins .

Or kindly reach us on +229 51472007

2 effective ways to unblock the fallopian tubes

What are Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

blocked fallopian tubes natural remedy

A blockage of the fallopian tubes is one of the most common causes of infertility. It accounts for about one-third of cases in women. However, determining the best natural remedy to treat it is what we are here for.

The fallopian tubes are two thin tubes, one on each side of the uterus, which help lead the mature egg from the ovaries to the uterus.When an obstruction prevents the egg from traveling down the tube, the woman has a blocked fallopian tube. It can occur on one or both sides. This is the cause of infertility in 40% of infertile women. 


Here are the necessary steps to take to naturally unblock your fallopian tubes, these natural treatments are not just effective but can also get you pregnant if you wish to. 

2 effective steps to unblock your fallopian tube naturally


detoxification natural way to unblock the fallopian tube naturally 

This is the starting point. It is very important and necessary to remove toxins from your internal environment. Here are a few reasons why detoxification is necessary Toxins generally form the make-up of the blockages in the tubes, menstrual irregularities, and other abnormalities associated with infertility. In the case of treating infertility-related issues, it is possible you have taken drugs, herbs, and supplements. And as such the body forms mild resistance to anything you take afterward. This means when you take a drug or herb, you do not see its effect in your body, or you don’t get the required result. But when you detoxify you clean completely all the clogs that bring about mild resistance. This immediately puts your body on a good platform to respond to any form of treatment. 



Bladder control tea is a very useful herbal therapy for women, especially those who have their fallopian tubes blocked. 

Click here to find out more or contact us on +22951472007


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bladder control tea

2. Treat  Infections

natural treatment to unblock the fallopian tubes 

Bell Lifestyle products used to achieve this include Bell bladder and yeast infection,  and Bell Virux.

How  Blocked Fallopian Tubes Cause Infertility

Each month, when ovulation occurs, an egg is released from one of the ovaries.

The egg travels from the ovary, through the tubes, and into the uterus.

The sperm also need to swim their way from the cervix, through the uterus, and through the fallopian tubes to get the egg.

Fertilization usually takes place while the egg is traveling through the tube.

If one or both fallopian tubes are blocked, the egg cannot reach the uterus, and the sperm cannot reach the egg, preventing fertilization and pregnancy.

It’s also possible for the tube not to be blocked totally, but only partially. This can increase the risk of a tubal pregnancy, or ectopic pregnancy.


Causes of the blocked fallopian tube

Fallopian tubes can become blocked for a range of reasons, which include:

  • a history of pelvic infection
  • a previous burst appendix
  • having had a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia
  • endometriosis, a condition that causes the lining of the womb to grow outside of the uterus
  • history of abdominal surgery
  • hydrosalpinx, which is swelling and fluid at the end of a fallopian tube

How will you realize if your tubes are clogged?

Blocked Fallopian tubes do not usually result in symptoms. Many ladies do not know they have obstructed tubes until they get expectant and have problems.

In some instances, blocked fallopian tubes can result in minor, consistent pain in one area of the stomach.