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hepatitis natural treatment

There are home remedies to combat hepatitis disease. However, it is important to know that medical consultation is essential. Read till the end to discover more about hepatitis and BELL lifestyle natural treatment to get rid of the viral charge.


Click here to find out our natural treatment against hepatitis: definite cure

Table of Contents


Hepatitis means injury to the liver. It can also be said that Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver tissue. Bile is produced by the liver to help digest food and also remove toxins from the body. Hepatitis causes scarring in the liver thereby making it hard for the Bile to do its job.


hepatitis natural treatment

Some people have no symptoms whereas others develop
A] Yellow discoloration of the skin and white of d eyes
B] Poor appetite
C] Vomiting
D] Tiredness
E] Abdominal pain
F] Fever
G] Diarrhea
H] Dark urine.


Causes of infectious hepatitis 

Infectious hepatitis must be distinguished from several common noninfectious causes, including liver dysfunction related to the “conditioning regimen” (VOD), acute GVHD, cholestatic liver injury related to sepsis, and chemical hepatitis related to either drugs or hyperalimentation.


Causes of non-infectious hepatitis

Alcohol and other toxins

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver damage and inflammation. This is sometimes referred to as alcoholic hepatitis. The alcohol directly injures the cells of your liver. Over time, it can cause permanent damage and lead to liver failure and cirrhosis, thickening and scarring of the liver.

Other toxic causes of hepatitis include overuse or overdose of medications and exposure to poisons.

Autoimmune system response

In some cases, the immune system mistakes the liver as a harmful object and begins to attack it. It causes ongoing inflammation that can range from mild to severe, often hindering liver function. It’s three times more common in women than in men.



We have hepatitis A, B, C, D, E.
The most common Hepatitis are A, B & C

HAV represents Hepatitis A Virus. Hepatitis A is caused by an infection with the hepatitis A virus.
The Virus is primarily spread when an uninfected [and unvaccinated] person ingests food or water that is contaminated by an infected person.


Hepatitis B is transmitted through contacts with an infectious body fluid such as;

  • Blood, blood transfusion,
  • Mother to the unborn child.

Therefore, one must ensure to protect oneself from getting Hepatitis B by being vaccinated.


Hepatitis C is a viral infection of the liver. It is spread mainly through blood contact.

If a woman is pregnant with Hepatitis C, the newborn baby can get Hepatitis C from her. Not everyone infected with Hepatitis C experiences the disease in the same way.
The above are the major causes of Hepatitis.


Top 6 Amazing Healthy Diet for Endometriosis


Table of Contents

healthy diet for endometriosis


Endometriosis can cause menstrual pains, exhaustion including back pains, and make it more difficult for women to conceive. But, there is hope! Dietary modification is one of the best things that you can do to reduce your endometriosis symptoms.

Today, we’re going to discuss the six most important healthy diet for endometriosis dietary strategies you should be following. Stay focused and do not skip any part of this article, so you would find out the solution to your query!

If you’ve got endometriosis, I’m sure that by now you know that it is a chronic inflammatory condition that results in tissue (which is similar to the lining of the uterus),  growing in other parts of the body, most commonly within the pelvis. This results in severe menstrual pain, bleeding, and chronic pain, and can also result in fertility problems. (see also)


Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility(Endometriosis)

Top 6 healthy diet for endometriosis

There are different (stages) or grades of endometriosis, but altering your diet using these top healthy diets for endometriosis, can help in reducing symptoms and pain.

1. Fat diethamburger 2683042 640

Since endometriosis is an inflammatory problem, it is important to focus on this healthy diet for endometriosis pains “Fat Diet” which can reduce inflammation. I’m quite sure you have heard of “bad” and “good” fat; bad fats well promote inflammation while good fats reduce inflammation.

For example, trans fats are “bad” fats found in processed foods such as fried foods, cakes, refined oils, and some kinds of biscuits. They are produced with high levels of processing and cause an inflammatory response in your body. 

Palmitic acid with other oils is also linked to increased levels of endometriosis. These fats are found mainly in red meat and also increase the inflammatory response in the body.

Therefore, an effective healthy diet for endometriosis would be to include some of your red vegetables with vegetable sources of protein such as sugar, chicken, or tofu.

Omega-3 fats, on the other hand, are anti-inflammatory oils that can reduce endometriosis inflammation. Hence, get it to ensure you have a good healthy diet for endometriosis prevention or remedy.

A study by Harvard University researchers found that women who ate high levels of omega 3 foods were 22% less likely to develop endometriosis. And some small studies have found that increasing omega-3 diets reduced menstrual pain in women with endometriosis.

Good sources of omega-3 include nuts and seeds.

 Click here to find out Bells natural treatment against Endometriosis which is very effective and can be an alternative to the healthy diets for Endometriosis

smoothie 3697014 6402. Boost your intake of Antioxidants.

Women with endometriosis have a better number of things that can serve as the best for the body, referred to as free radicals. These tiny organisms cause what’s referred to as “oxidative stress”, thus, which we could describe as increase inflammation.

Antioxidants can reduce the number of free radicals by binding them to make a more stable form. This reduces the quantity of oxidative stress and thus reduces inflammation in those with endometriosis.

One study investigated the consequences of antioxidants, using vitamins E and C, in endometriosis pain and located that 43% of people who ate tons of antioxidants reported less pain compared to 0% from the group without supplementation.

Not only this, but three different symptoms of inflammation are found to be very low

for those taking an antioxidant supplement compared to those without supplementation.

Before you decide to go and buy plenty of ingredients, though, Would it be nice if I encourage you to focus on your diet first?

We can find vitamin C in spinach, broccoli, mangoes, oranges, strawberries, and kiwifruit, while vitamin E is found in nuts, seeds, avocados, and grains naturally.

Getting your antioxidants in your diet will make sure that you get all the essential and healthy diet for endometriosis.

(This Bells Natural Product contains all you need and includes antioxidant readily prepared as an alternative which effectively is a healthy supplement for endometriosis)


brunch 5002686 6403. Fibre intake

Fibre can help excrete estrogen out of the body through a process known as “barrier protection” in which fibre surrounds substances and takes them on a journey outside the body before they can be absorbed.

You may be thinking, ‘but I don’t want my hormones gone, do I’?

Excess estrogen in the body can worsen the effects of endometriosis by promoting inflammation. Yes, we need estrogen, but too much estrogen stimulates the formation of nasty substances that ACT like hormones- these are called prostaglandins.

I like to think of prostaglandins like a fake Gucci purse. Prostaglandins are just like a fake Gucci purse. They look like estrogen, but instead of doing what they’re supposed to, they wreak havoc. Prostaglandins increase inflammation and heighten endometriosis pain.

Along with this, too much estrogen has been found to actually increase endometriosis cell growth and numbers, meaning larger cells and more of them.

So, aim for a diet with at least 25 grams of fibre per day from foods like fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and grains.

GlycemicIndex4. Low GI food intake:

Foods containing High GI content have been found to increase the insulin response which may lead to it increasing the number of endometriosis cells. So, put down the white bread and potatoes and choose low GI foods like sweet potato, pasta, oats, and barley. This phase should be critically focused on to ensure a healthy diet for endometriosis.

(Take this and reduce the risk of Endometriosis, It also relieves you of the stress on watching your dietary plan regularly)


unnamed5. Reduce your intake of Pesticides:

Yes! Are you surprised? Most fruits and veggies we take these days, contain pesticides.

A diet rich in fruit and veggies is obviously a good idea if you have endometriosis as they are rich in antioxidants and high in fibre, however, exposure to pesticides and dioxins found on fruit and vegetables have been positively associated with endometriosis and its symptoms. This is probably due to certain pesticides interfering with hormonal pathways and contributing to oxidative stress.

So, if you’ve got endometriosis, or have a high risk of developing endometriosis because you have others with endometriosis in your family, you may wish to consider trying organic produce, which would remove the risk of pesticides worsening your symptoms while still getting all the benefits of eating fruit and vegetables.


Exploring the long term potential for low FODMAP foods

6. Maintain a low FOD MAP diet :

An Australian study conducted by Monash University discovered that there is a high level of differences between women who have endometriosis  and women who have Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Furthermore, their investigations led to a discovery that women who had both endometriosis and IBS found significant improvements in pain, bloating and digestive issues with a low FOD MAP diet.
The low FOD MAP diet is a diet which limits fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, then challenges these to help you work out which of these fermentable carbohydrates your body is reacting to. OK, so I’ve given you great information.

 So, let’s summarize:

Number 1:
Ensure that you’re eating lots of good fats such as fish and nuts, and limit your intake
of bad fats from biscuits and fried foods
Number 2: Check that your diet is rich in antioxidants by eating a diet with lots of fresh fruit
and vegetables Number 3:
Make sure that you’re eating at least 25 grams of fibre each day
Number 4:
Choose low GI foods by swapping white bread with a dense wholegrain bread or swapping
sugary breakfast cereals for oats.

Number 5:
Reduce your intake of pesticides by investing in organic fruits and vegetables, and
Number 6:
If you have bloating or bowel issues, see a dietitian about trialling a low FOD MAP diet.
Now, I’m sure that you’ll have loads of questions, so feel free to post them in the comments below.

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility(Endometriosis)

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Top facts about Endometriosis And It’s Treatment




-Lets take an in-depth look at endometriosis and how it can affect fertility

Table of Contents

What is endometriosis?

One of the most common health issues experienced among women and one of the leading causes of infertility is endometriosis, it occurs when tissue from the endometrial lining implants itself outside the womb. 

Each month, during the menstrual cycle, this tissue sheds just as the lining of the uterus would. However, there’s no system in place for this tissue to then exit the body.

 Scar tissue and adhesions occur, leading to increased levels of pain and often also to infertility due to scarring.


What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

Symptoms of endometriosis can include but not limited to the following:
1) Painful periods called dysmenorrhea.
2) Painful intercourse.
3) Chronic low back pain.
4) Abdominal pain painful digestion.
5) Increased pain during bowel movements.
6) Urination excessive bleeding spotting or bleeding between cycles.
7) Infertility.
8) Joint pain fatigue.

9) Nerve pain, bloating and nausea.

Click here the best natural remedy for Endometriosis

What causes endometriosis ?


 It is estimated that as many as 176 million women worldwide suffer from endometriosis. While the exact cause of endometriosis is unknown, there does appear to be a strong genetic link within families.

 It is also recognized that endometriosis is not contagious or sexually transmitted. Theories pertaining to other potential causes include tissue from the endometrial lining, traveling outside the uterus and attaching to other areas of the body as a result of blocked menstrual flow

 There is some debate over whether tampons can lead to an increased risk of endometriosis, by blocking menstrual flow and leading to a back up within the body. A compromised immune system failing to seek out and destroy rogue endometrial tissue growth. 

 Another cause may be an overabundance of estrogen, on which endometriosis appears to thrive displacement of endometrial tissue during surgeries meant to treat other issues and the material tissue implants which may be present outside the uterus at birth and also exposure to dioxin and other man-made chemicals.

How is endometriosis diagnosed ?

Endometriosis Diagnosis

  • There are a variety of reasons behind the excessive length of time endometriosis often takes to diagnose the level of understanding surrounding this disease, it is not a disease doctors can see from the outside and is often mistaken for other diseases related to pelvic pain, such as;
  • ovarian cysts disease,
  • pelvic inflammatory or 
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

 The only reliable method of diagnosis is laparoscopic surgery, ultrasounds and diagnostic testing often provide no answers.

 (The best natural remedy alternative for Endometrioisis)
So doctors are left to wait and see and weigh patients complaints against the risks of surgery the variability. Some women begin experiencing issues with their first period while others may not have any problems until much later in life.

 In many women the progression is slow with pain increasing over the course of several years, in others there is an advanced rate of growth over a short period of time, even the severity of symptoms is not always a good indicator of the level of disease.

  Some women with aggressive spreading experience few issues while others with only minimal growth may face daily pain, there is limited understanding as to why this variability occurs making it very difficult to spot endometriosis merely by recognizing the symptoms.

laparoscopic surgery

How does laparoscopic surgery work?

  • Once the need for laparoscopic surgery is determined, the patient is given a general anesthetic.
  • During the surgery, a patient’s abdomen is expanded and small cuts are made in the abdomen to insert tools which allow doctors to seek out and remove any possible areas of endometrial growth, often these lesions are then sent to a lab to confirm the diagnosis of endometriosis
  • surgeries can take anywhere from one to ten hours depending on the skill level of the surgeon and the spreading of the disease to observe.
  • Recovery typically involves bed rest and pain medications for several days often requiring overnight stays in the hospital for observation
    areas of the abdominal cavity.

However, in case of specific reproductive diseases like;

  • pelvic inflammatory disease,
  • fibroid and cyst
  • blocked Fallopian tubes

Do not hesitate to inform us, so we can give you the best remedy for your ailment to achieve 100% guaranteed satisfaction.

 For more details on how to take and get this treatment, Call/WhatsApp us on +229-51472007 OR 

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility(Endometriosis)

Stages of Endomeriosis

Stages of endometriosis

  • The stages of endometriosis are typically diagnosed as stage 1 through stage 4;
  • stage 1 is considered minimal implants remain confined to the pelvic region with minimal spreading
  • stage 2 is considered mild increased implants are observed as well as scarring and adhesions surrounding the reproductive organs
  • stage 3 is moderate implants begin to cover the ovaries fallopian tubes and occasionally also the rectum and the cervix
  • stage 4 is considered severe excessive endometrial implants occur in the reproductive area extending out beyond the pelvic region into other


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(Chemical vs Natural treatment)
Find out which is better!

Cavity as well traditional treatments treating endometriosis, is often an experimental endeavor with doctors and patients having to cycle through several treatment choices before finding something that works traditional options include; pain medication often prescribed to treat the increasing levels of pain.

It is important to note that pain medications will not treat the actual disease though patients are given hormone treatments often associated with elevated levels of estrogen, therefore, making hormone treatments a common path that doctors pursue.

Keep in mind that women hoping to conceive will not be able to achieve pregnancy while on these treatments, birth control pills are used to regulate hormones and to decrease the menstrual flow.

(Take action Now to avoid all these side effects)

Lupron has become one of the more commonly used drugs in the treatment of endometriosis. Lupron shuts down the pituitary gland and effectively puts women in a state of medically induced menopause (this is thought to decrease continued growth of endometriosis and reduce pain levels) however it should be noted that lupron is associated with several potential and often severe side effects and can only be taken for short periods of time.
Recent controversy has surrounded the potential long-term side effects of this drug and several endometriosis experts are beginning to kind of veer away from its use.

Progestin is another hormone thought to shrink endometriosis by counteracting the effects of estrogen on the tissue, women will cease having menstrual period while on this drug and side effects can include; weight gain depression and decreased bone patients should consider all alternative treatments carefully and possibly seek out second opinions before agreeing to this option.

In addition to the traditional treatments available there are several natural options which some patients may find relief ; (see also)

Treatment diet is another option the endometriosis diet consists of eliminating several food groups believed to increase inflammation caffeine gluten and dairy are seen to be among those that are the greatest culprits.

Acupuncture is another option the use of acupuncture for hormone regulation and symptom relief is beneficial to some women, the problem with endometriosis is there is no one-size-fits-all treatment plan finding a method that works for you often means the first building a reliable team of practitioners around you, it is common for treatment to include a sampling of several methods often seeking the combination which works best for the treatment of the individual education is key and finding the strength to become your own advocate is the necessary component to improving quality of life with endometriosis.

                                A Healthy Conclusion Herbcure’s Health Specialist

I look forward to catching up with you next week on Nourish.
If you are having trouble getting pregnant, it can have psychological and emotional effects. Feeling stressed, whether it’s because of your problems conceiving, your job, or something else, could affect your relationship with your partner. This in turn could have an impact on your libido and how often you have sex, leading to more fertility problems.
Hence, be calm, happy, and expectant. Enjoy your partners company. 
Eat healthily.
Do not overwork yourself.
In case of any

Cloves Water Recipies To Boost Fertility



 Clove is a popular ingredient used in the kitchen; however, it is also a remedy most traditional practitioners use to boost fertility using clove water. It has been used as a traditional medicine for centuries but has not been scientifically proven. Read on to discover the hidden tips!

clove water recipe to boost fertility

This natural remedy is well-known for its anti-microbial properties essential in treating yeast infections in women, removing excess discharge, regulating the menstrual cycle, and high level of anti-oxidants which produces a more healthy and viable sperm. Nonetheless, how long it takes to become effective depends on the individual body system. In this article, there will be a list of clove water recipes you can use to boost your fertility and more importantly, herbcures’ the best recommended natural remedy that will get you pregnant in three months. It has worked for many why, not you. (see also how to make clove water fast)




Our herbal solution for infertility is a combination of three bell lifestyle herbal products;

  • Fertalin,
  • PMS combo and,
  • Supreme Immune Booster

Body Renewal for Women and Men (Fertalin) offers new hope for Couples! Natural infertility therapeutic from Bell Lifestyles that is made with amines found also in such plant foods as oats, cucumbers, radishes, as well as all cells in the human body. A naturally-based, non-hormonal product anecdotally proven to enhance both sperm count and quality in men, Body Renewal from Bell Lifestyles also helps to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with endometriosis, one of the most common causes of female infertility.

Click here to find out more about this natural treatment to boost female infertility.

BELL PMS Combo is a herbal formulation or remedy designed to help alleviate premenstrual syndrome symptoms (PMS), such as mood swings, nervous tensions, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, depression, cramping pain before or during the cycle, hormone imbalance, menstrual disorders, inflammation in reproductive organs like salpingitis, endometriosis, etc.… Helps promote healthy menstruation. 

This PMS combo is essential for you because though Irregular menstrual cycles don’t always affect fertility, it may make it harder for you to get pregnant.

Click here to find out more about this natural treatment to boost female infertility.

Supreme Immune Booster

Why Immune booster?

Are you aware that an abnormal immune function can pose a threat when attempting to conceive, and significantly increase your risk for miscarriage? But don’t be discouraged you are sure to be helped with our supreme immune booster, which is a formidable herbal treatment and cure to strengthen the immune system.

Click here to find out more about this natural treatment to boost female infertility.

However, in the case of specific reproductive diseases like;

  • pelvic inflammatory disease,
  • fibroid and cyst
  • blocked Fallopian tubes

Do not hesitate to inform us, so we can give you the best remedy for your ailment to achieve 100% guaranteed satisfaction.

For more details on how to take and get this treatment, Call/WhatsApp us on +229-51472007 OR

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility



Recipe 1

You want to extract the nutrient from the clove which is very essential in boosting fertility.


To extract the powerful nutrient of cloves, soak a teaspoon of cloves in two-three cups of hot water overnight to steep faster or boil for about 40 minutes.

Sieve the mixture to obtain the water.

Your clove water to boost fertility is ready.

Use the cloves 2-3 times to get all its nutrient.

(hidden effects of clove water that you don’t know about)


Take one glass of the clove water every morning before you eat and a glass before you go to bed. This will fight all infections and get you pregnant.

Recipe 2


For this recipe, you will need Clove, Ginger, and tetrapleura tetraptera

  • Wash and put all the ingredients together
  • Then add water and let it boil properly


Drink a bamboo glass morning and evening for 21 days after the first day of your period.

However, how long it will take depends on each body.

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility

For more details on how to take and get this treatment Call or Whatsapp us via 

How to make clove water for fertility

  1. Half a handful of cloves should be soaked overnight in a glass of warm water.
  2. The cloves should be thoroughly cooked the next day.
  3. Increase the amount of water if necessary.
  4. Water should be brought to a boil for around 15 minutes.
  5. When the water-color has thickened, turn off the gas.(read more on how to make clove water for fertility)

The top 4 benefits of drinking clove water for conceiving

Frequently Asked Questions
Benefits of drinking clove water for conceiving
Benefits of drinking cloves water for ovulation
benefits of drinking clove water for conceiving

What are the benefits you get from drinking clove water for conceiving. Keep reading to Get the Top 4 benefits of drinking cloves water for conceiving and also for ovulation.

  1. Cloves water helps by boosting ovulation in females.
  2. Frequent intake of clove water helps to regulate menstrual flow.
  3. In some cases, it can boost multiple ovulation and lead one to give birth to twins.
  4. Drinking clove water for fertility helps to boost the urge for sex in females.

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility

Precautions to clove soaked in water for ovulation!

Infection, yeast infection, ovulation, and fertility are all treated with cloves soaked in water.

Washing your insides with cloves soaked in water as a lady has been found to help remove vaginal odor, treat or relieve vaginal yeast infection, and more…

Also, clove water is good for your sexual health…

It stimulates ovulation and improves FERTILITY.

For infection, a clove is soaked in water.

Are you afflicted with an infection?

Is your vaginal odor bothering you?

Do you have a case of Virginia discharge?

This is for you, my dear.

                    Clove soaked in water for ovulation is the starting point!

  • Purchase cloves,
  • place them in an empty bottle,
  • fill them with water, and
  • allow them for three days to develop color.
  • After three days, filter it.
  • It’s best to drink it first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

  •  After taking a bath, get a tiny amount of clove water and “wash within your body” with it.

What’s next after your period (clove soaked in water for ovulation)

  1. After your period, immediately.
  2. Obtain a fragrance leaf and some salt.
  3. Small rubber paint can be found.
  4. Fill the rubber with fragrance leaves and salt.
  5. Warm (but not boiling) water and pour it into the mixture.
  6. After that, sit on it for 5 minutes to allow it to steam and cleanse you.

FERTILITY, menstruation, infection, and ovulation are all treated with a combination of cloves, garlic, ginger, and turmeric.

Why not Get our Already made combination of the herbs that will give you the freedom you need!

Get it Now!


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Female Infertility: Causes, symptoms and Natural Treatment


What is female infertility? What causes this condition?

female infertility herbal treatment

Let’s first explain infertility briefly. 

Infertility is defined as the failure to become pregnant for at least one year (with routine unprotected sexual intercourse). Before we discuss further, we encourage you to read till the end to discover the best natural treatment that will help you overcome most female infertility diseases you might be facing. 

Infertility itself can occur in men or women. Where about a third of difficult cases of pregnancy are usually caused by female infertility, while the rest are due to male factor infertility or unknown causes.

Table of Contents

Hence, Female infertility occurs when the ability of a woman to get pregnant and give birth to a child is impaired or limited in some way. This can be as a result of several reproductive diseases like endometriosis, blocked fallopian tube, salpingitis, etc… which blocks the free passage of the sperm to the fallopian tubes where it is fertilized.


There are a number of things that may be keeping you from getting pregnant:

  1. Damage to your fallopian tubes. These structures carry eggs from your ovaries, which produce eggs, to the uterus, where the baby develops. They can get damaged when scars form after pelvic infections, endometriosis, and pelvic surgery. That can prevent sperm from reaching an egg in the tube. The egg and sperm meet in the tube. This is where the egg is fertilized and then moves down to the uterus to implant
  2. Hormonal problems. You may not be getting pregnant because your body isn’t going through the usual hormone changes that lead to the release of an egg from the ovary and the thickening of the lining of the uterus.
  3. Cervical issues. Some women have a condition that prevents sperm from passing through the cervical canal.
  4. Uterine trouble. You may have polyps and fibroid that interfere with getting pregnant. Uterine polyps occur when too many cells grow in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. Fibroid grows in the wall of the uterus. Other abnormalities of the uterus can also interfere,
  5. “Unexplained” infertility. For about 20% of couples who have infertility problems, the exact causes are never identified.



Our herbal solution for infertility is a combination of three bell lifestyle herbal products;

  • Fertalin,
  • PMS combo and,
  • Supreme Immune Booster

Body Renewal For Women and Men (Fertalin) offers new hope for Couples! A natural infertility therapeutic from Bell Lifestyles that is made with amines found also in such plant foods as oats, cucumbers, radishes, as well as all cells in the human body. A naturally-based, non-hormonal product anecdotally proven to enhance both sperm count and quality in men, Body Renewal from Bell Lifestyles also helps to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with endometriosis, one of the most common causes of female infertility.

Click here to find out more about this natural treatment to boost female infertility.

BELL PMS Combo is a herbal formulation or remedy designed to help alleviate premenstrual syndrome symptoms (PMS), such as mood swings, nervous tensions, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, depression, cramping pain before or during the cycle, hormone imbalance, menstrual disorders, inflammation in reproductive organs like salpingitis, endometriosis, etc… Helps promote healthy menstruation. This PMS combo is essential for you because though  Irregular menstrual cycles don’t always affect fertility, it  may make it harder for you to get pregnant. Click here to find out more about this natural treatment to boost female infertility. Supreme Immune BoosterWhy Immune booster? Are you aware that an abnormal immune function can pose a threat when attempting to conceive, and significantly increase your risk for miscarriage? But don’t be discouraged you are sure to be helped with our supreme immune booster, which is a formidable herbal treatment and cure to strengthen the immune system. Click here to find out more about this natural treatment to boost female infertility. However, in case of specific reproductive diseases like;

  • pelvic inflammatory disease,
  • fibroid and cyst
  • blocked Fallopian tubes

Do not hesitate to inform us, so we can give you the best remedy for your ailment to achieve a 100% guaranteed satisfaction.

 For more details on how to take and get this treatment, Call/WhatsApp us on +229-51472007 OR

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility

natural treatment for female infertility

Infertility in Women, What are the Symptoms?

  1. Difficulty in getting pregnant. According to Harvard Health of Harvard Medical School, the main symptom of infertility is difficulty getting pregnant, at least after trying for 1 year for couples under 35 years old or 6 months for couples over 35 years.

2. Irregular Menstruation or No Menstruation

natural treatment for female infertility

“Menstrual cycles that come sporadically indicate an underlying disorder related to ovulation, which can make conception more difficult,” says Dr. Sheeva Talebian, a reproductive endocrinologist at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York, was quoted as saying on the Parents’ magazine website.

“(The cause) polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders and hypothalamic amenorrhea. Where the brain hormone delivery signal is inactive. An irregular cycle can also be a sign of reduced ovarian reserve caused by endometriosis or early ovarian failure. ”

While not menstruating at all indicates that a woman is not ovulating and has very little chance of conceiving naturally.

3. Bleeding Between Two Menstrual Cycles

Infertility in Women, What are the Symptoms? 3

Frequent bleeding outside the menstrual cycle should also be suspected as a symptom of infertility in women. Why is that?

“Bleeding between your menstrual cycles or after sex could indicate uterine polyps or fibroid, or cervical lesions,” says Dr. Taliban.

It can even be a symptom of a more serious medical condition such as cancer, although this is rare.

4. Menstruation that is long, with heavy bleeding, or painful

Infertility in Women, What are the Symptoms? 4

Quoting Medical News Today, women who experience very painful periods with heavy bleeding may experience endometriosis. As is well known, endometriosis is a risk factor for infertility in women.

Other symptoms of endometriosis include:

  • Chronic pelvic pain (not just during menstruation)
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle
  • Pain when defecating

In addition, menstrual blood that is very dark at the beginning of your period can also be another symptom of endometriosis.

5. Often Experiencing Pelvic Pain

Infertility in Women, What are the Symptoms? 5

Not only is it a sign of endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain can also be a symptom of another medical condition that is also a risk factor for infertility, namely fibroid.

“ Fibroids are benign tumors in the uterus that can sometimes reduce fertility. However, fibroid are often painless, so you may not know you have them, “says Nicole Noyes, MD, head of the Department of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Northwell Health, as quoted from the website The Well by Northwell.

6. Obesity

Infertility in Women, What are the Symptoms? 6

Based on a study published in 2018 in the journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, obesity has been shown to negatively impact reproductive health.

The researchers found that obese women had a lower chance of getting pregnant and had a higher risk of developing problems during pregnancy, compared to those who had no weight problems.

So, those are some symptoms of infertility in women. Tell your doctor right away if you may experience one of them.

What can increase the risk of infertility?

There are certain health and lifestyle factors that can increase your chances of having fertility problems. For example:

  1. Be over 35 years of age.
  2. Being very overweight or too thin.
  3. Chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  4. A lot of exposure to environmental toxins, such as lead or pesticides.
  5. Excessive use of alcohol or drugs.
  6. Smoke tobacco.
  7. Failure to perform recommended tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  8. History of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).


Consult your doctor if you are concerned about your fertility. If possible, it is a good idea to go with your partner. Your doctor may ask you how long you have been trying to have a baby and if you have had any problems having sex. You could ask them about their lifestyle and also about their medical history, for example: 

  • whether or not you have been pregnant, or had an abortion or miscarriage in the past
  • questions about your menstrual cycle
  • if they have suffered from a sexually transmitted infection, long-term serious illnesses or other conditions that can affect fertility
  • if they take any medication

Your doctor may also need to examine them.

Your doctor may recommend that you have unprotected sex two to three times a week for a year before having any tests. After that time, or sooner if your doctor thinks that you or your partner might have a condition that means you are less likely to conceive, there are numerous tests that you can undergo.

Your doctor may do blood tests to look at the levels of certain hormones. These can give information about how your ovaries work and whether they make eggs. Your doctor may also suggest a test to see if you have chlamydia infection. If necessary, your doctor will refer you to a fertility specialist or gynecologist (a doctor who specializes in women’s reproductive health).

If you have not previously been diagnosed with a disorder that may affect your fallopian tubes, such as endometriosis, you may be given a test called a hysterosalpingogram. It can show if your fallopian tubes are blocked. Hysterosalpingography uses a type of X-ray procedure called fluoroscopy. This involves injecting a dye (contrast medium) that is seen on X-rays into your uterus and fallopian tubes, as well as taking a series of X-rays that are displayed on a television screen. If your tubes are clear, the dye will fill them in and spread into them.

An alternative to hysterosalpingography is hysterocontrast sonography. It uses ultrasound, rather than x-ray, to examine your fallopian tubes.

If you have a condition that affects your fertility, or your doctor thinks you might, you may have a test called a laparoscopy and dye. This is a surgical procedure that allows the doctor to view your fallopian tubes and other organs in this area. Generally, the laparoscopy and dye procedure can give your doctor more information than hysterosalpingography.


If your infertility is caused by an underlying condition, such as endometriosis, there may be specific treatments that increase your chances of getting pregnant. If your doctor cannot find a particular cause for your infertility, there are several options he may suggest. 


Having sex two to three times a week is considered to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Your doctor may also suggest making certain lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking and not drinking more than one or two units of alcohol once or twice a week. Losing excess weight or gaining a little more may also be recommended.

It is a good idea to take a folic acid supplement if you are trying to get pregnant. This can lower your baby’s risk of certain developmental problems. Your doctor may recommend that you get a rubella vaccine if you are at risk of getting sick. They may also check to see if you have had a cytology test in the last three years. 


If your infertility is the result of an ovulation problem, a drug such as clomiphene citrate may be prescribed. This has the potential to stimulate the production of eggs in your ovaries. 


You may be ordered to have surgery if tests show that you have endometriosis or if your fallopian tubes are damaged. However, surgery is not suitable for all women, so it is important to talk with your doctor about the best option for you. 

Surgery may also be an option if you have adhesions (fibrous scar tissue) on your uterus, or to remove fibroids, especially if they penetrate the inner lining of your uterus. 

Assisted conception

There are several techniques to help you conceive. They aim to bring a sperm closer to an egg. The three most important methods are: 

  • Intrauterine insemination
  • in vitro fertilization
  • intracytoplasmic sperm injection


If you are having trouble getting pregnant, it can have psychological and emotional effects. Feeling stressed, whether it’s because of your problems conceiving, your job, or something else, could affect your relationship with your partner. This in turn could have an impact on your libido and how often you have sex, leading to more fertility problems.

Hence, be calm, happy, and expectant. Enjoy your partners’ company. 

  • Eat healthily.
  • Do not overwork yourself.
  • In case of any underlying condition speak to a doctor.

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