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HomeReproductive Health ChallengesFemale infertilityCloves Water Recipies To Boost Fertility

Cloves Water Recipies To Boost Fertility

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 Clove is a popular ingredient used in the kitchen; however, it is also a remedy most traditional practitioners use to boost fertility using clove water. It has been used as a traditional medicine for centuries but has not been scientifically proven. Read on to discover the hidden tips!

clove water recipe to boost fertility

This natural remedy is well-known for its anti-microbial properties essential in treating yeast infections in women, removing excess discharge, regulating the menstrual cycle, and high level of anti-oxidants which produces a more healthy and viable sperm. Nonetheless, how long it takes to become effective depends on the individual body system. In this article, there will be a list of clove water recipes you can use to boost your fertility and more importantly, herbcures’ the best recommended natural remedy that will get you pregnant in three months. It has worked for many why, not you. (see also how to make clove water fast)




Our herbal solution for infertility is a combination of three bell lifestyle herbal products;

  • Fertalin,
  • PMS combo and,
  • Supreme Immune Booster

Body Renewal for Women and Men (Fertalin) offers new hope for Couples! Natural infertility therapeutic from Bell Lifestyles that is made with amines found also in such plant foods as oats, cucumbers, radishes, as well as all cells in the human body. A naturally-based, non-hormonal product anecdotally proven to enhance both sperm count and quality in men, Body Renewal from Bell Lifestyles also helps to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with endometriosis, one of the most common causes of female infertility.

Click here to find out more about this natural treatment to boost female infertility.

BELL PMS Combo is a herbal formulation or remedy designed to help alleviate premenstrual syndrome symptoms (PMS), such as mood swings, nervous tensions, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, depression, cramping pain before or during the cycle, hormone imbalance, menstrual disorders, inflammation in reproductive organs like salpingitis, endometriosis, etc.… Helps promote healthy menstruation. 

This PMS combo is essential for you because though Irregular menstrual cycles don’t always affect fertility, it may make it harder for you to get pregnant.

Click here to find out more about this natural treatment to boost female infertility.

Supreme Immune Booster

Why Immune booster?

Are you aware that an abnormal immune function can pose a threat when attempting to conceive, and significantly increase your risk for miscarriage? But don’t be discouraged you are sure to be helped with our supreme immune booster, which is a formidable herbal treatment and cure to strengthen the immune system.

Click here to find out more about this natural treatment to boost female infertility.

However, in the case of specific reproductive diseases like;

  • pelvic inflammatory disease,
  • fibroid and cyst
  • blocked Fallopian tubes

Do not hesitate to inform us, so we can give you the best remedy for your ailment to achieve 100% guaranteed satisfaction.

For more details on how to take and get this treatment, Call/WhatsApp us on +229-51472007 OR

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility



Recipe 1

You want to extract the nutrient from the clove which is very essential in boosting fertility.


To extract the powerful nutrient of cloves, soak a teaspoon of cloves in two-three cups of hot water overnight to steep faster or boil for about 40 minutes.

Sieve the mixture to obtain the water.

Your clove water to boost fertility is ready.

Use the cloves 2-3 times to get all its nutrient.

(hidden effects of clove water that you don’t know about)


Take one glass of the clove water every morning before you eat and a glass before you go to bed. This will fight all infections and get you pregnant.

Recipe 2


For this recipe, you will need Clove, Ginger, and tetrapleura tetraptera

  • Wash and put all the ingredients together
  • Then add water and let it boil properly


Drink a bamboo glass morning and evening for 21 days after the first day of your period.

However, how long it will take depends on each body.

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility

For more details on how to take and get this treatment Call or Whatsapp us via 

How to make clove water for fertility

  1. Half a handful of cloves should be soaked overnight in a glass of warm water.
  2. The cloves should be thoroughly cooked the next day.
  3. Increase the amount of water if necessary.
  4. Water should be brought to a boil for around 15 minutes.
  5. When the water-color has thickened, turn off the gas.(read more on how to make clove water for fertility)

The top 4 benefits of drinking clove water for conceiving

Frequently Asked Questions
Benefits of drinking clove water for conceiving
Benefits of drinking cloves water for ovulation
benefits of drinking clove water for conceiving

What are the benefits you get from drinking clove water for conceiving. Keep reading to Get the Top 4 benefits of drinking cloves water for conceiving and also for ovulation.

  1. Cloves water helps by boosting ovulation in females.
  2. Frequent intake of clove water helps to regulate menstrual flow.
  3. In some cases, it can boost multiple ovulation and lead one to give birth to twins.
  4. Drinking clove water for fertility helps to boost the urge for sex in females.

Click here to discover Bell’s Natural Treatment Against Female Infertility

Precautions to clove soaked in water for ovulation!

Infection, yeast infection, ovulation, and fertility are all treated with cloves soaked in water.

Washing your insides with cloves soaked in water as a lady has been found to help remove vaginal odor, treat or relieve vaginal yeast infection, and more…

Also, clove water is good for your sexual health…

It stimulates ovulation and improves FERTILITY.

For infection, a clove is soaked in water.

Are you afflicted with an infection?

Is your vaginal odor bothering you?

Do you have a case of Virginia discharge?

This is for you, my dear.

                    Clove soaked in water for ovulation is the starting point!

  • Purchase cloves,
  • place them in an empty bottle,
  • fill them with water, and
  • allow them for three days to develop color.
  • After three days, filter it.
  • It’s best to drink it first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

  •  After taking a bath, get a tiny amount of clove water and “wash within your body” with it.

What’s next after your period (clove soaked in water for ovulation)

  1. After your period, immediately.
  2. Obtain a fragrance leaf and some salt.
  3. Small rubber paint can be found.
  4. Fill the rubber with fragrance leaves and salt.
  5. Warm (but not boiling) water and pour it into the mixture.
  6. After that, sit on it for 5 minutes to allow it to steam and cleanse you.

FERTILITY, menstruation, infection, and ovulation are all treated with a combination of cloves, garlic, ginger, and turmeric.

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