“Solving Male Infertility: The Ultimate Guide to Varicocele Treatment”

It’s hard to have children, maybe you have a varicocele.
Many men often don’t realize they have a varicocele until they have to undergo sperm analysis to see whether they are fertile or not. This “accident” discovery could then be one of the answers to why a married couple has not yet been blessed with a baby.
Here is the best Natural varicocele Treatment
This is a natural remedy that successfully cures varicocele by strengthening the valves or valves located in the veins of the spermatic cords. The veins then become tonic and tenacious to facilitate the dynamic rise of blood along the veins to reach the most important veins such as the left renal vein and the inferior vena cava. Here is the best natural varicocele treatment.
This natural remedy is the miracle solution to avoiding surgery. It allows you to regain all your fertilizing power. It has proven its effectiveness with dozens of resolved cases. Furthermore, it is one of the best natural remedies to cure varicocele and prevent surgery. Using herbal teas to cure varicocele usually gives great results because it helps prevent the operation. The solution to curing varicocele is found in plants.
Here is the best natural varicocele treatment.
Click here for more information concerning these treatments.
Infertility, or infertility, is diagnosed when a couple doesn’t get any signs of pregnancy after having unprotected sex for at least 12 months. Varicocele (varicose veins of the scrotum) occurs in 15% of all men, and 40% of them result in male infertility.
Before knowing the relationship between varicocele and infertility in men, let’s first identify what a varicocele is.
Understanding Varicocele Treatment Without Surgery
What is a varicocele?
Varicocele is varicose veins (enlarged veins) that occur in the scrotum. This condition occurs in about 10 to 15 percent of men. This condition causes swelling that usually resembles an enlargement over the testicle, without any discoloration.
A pampiniform plexus is a group of veins in the scrotum. These veins help cool the blood before it flows into the testicular arteries, which supply the testicular blood. If the testes are too hot, healthy sperm cannot be produced.
Sperm health affects fertility, so it’s important for blood vessels to cool blood. Most people with varicocele have no symptoms, but some may experience fertility problems. When a person has a varicocele, they may also experience swelling and tenderness of the scrotum.
Varicocele does not always make men infertile
A 2014 study collected data on 816 men with infertility problems. Nearly a third stated to have a varicocele.
That is, the study shows that varicocele is sometimes one of the factors that cause a man to become infertile. However, that does not mean that men with varicocele always have infertility problems.
People with varicocele have their own challenges in having a baby. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t have it.
A 2012 study found some evidence that treating varicocele can improve fertility, especially if the cause of the couple’s infertility is unknown. However, this research still needs further observation.
The bulging veins in people with varicocele can damage sperm and reduce sperm count. However, in people with an average sperm count, a varicocele may not affect male fertility.
That is why, when the expected pregnancy does not come, it is very important to carry out various tests, including a sperm count test. Varicocele is not the only reason a man becomes infertile.
Read also: Understanding Varicocele Treatment Without Surgery
Why is a varicocele the cause of infertility or infertility?
Actually, varicocele is not directly the cause of male infertility. This is also proven by a study published in a journal entitled North American Journal of Medical Sciences.
The study collected a sample of 816 infertile men, less than a third of whom had varicocele.
However, men with a varicocele are considered to have a higher risk of experiencing fertility problems. Especially when compared to men who do not have it.
This is because the presence of a varicocele may prevent your body from producing and storing sperm. No wonder the existence of varicocele is then considered to be the cause of infertility or infertile men.
The reason is, male fertility is influenced by the quality of sperm produced by the testes. That is, the presence of sperm is very important to determine whether a man is fertile or not.
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This is also supported by the fact that blood flow from the heart to the penis when a man gets sexual stimulation will create an erection. At the same time, the scrotum (testicles) is pulled into the body to prepare semen.
There is swelling of the veins due to varicocele which may interfere with fertility because it causes the valves of the veins to not function optimally to return blood to the heart. Blood trapped in this intimate area will increase the temperature around the testicles longer than it should.
Body temperature is important for sperm production
In order for the testicles to produce healthy and quality sperm, the surrounding temperature should not exceed 4 degrees above normal body temperature. This is because hot temperatures will affect sperm quality.
A one degree increase in temperature will reduce sperm count by as much as 40 percent. Abnormalities in sperm that may occur as a result of a varicocele (whether it’s a damaged shape, insufficient amount, and sluggish “swimming” motion) can interfere with male fertility.
This is the reason why the testicles are outside the male body, in the protection of the scrotum. This means that sperm will be in their prime condition when they are in a cold environment, below normal body temperature. So, is varicocele disease definitely the cause of male infertility? The answer is, not necessarily.
Why? Male fertility depends on many factors. These include how long you have had the varicocele, its severity, and location (on one or both sides of the scrotum).
Not only that, early diagnosis and treatment can also improve your chances of fertility.
To ensure the condition of a varicocele that might interfere with fertility, you should consult directly with a urological surgeon. Then ask your doctor about the possibility that the varicocele you are experiencing has the potential to cause you to be infertile.
Is there a way to prevent varicocele from causing infertility?
In order to reduce the risk of varicocele causing fertility problems, men are advised to maintain the health of their vital organs by increasing the consumption of foods that contain antioxidants. In particular, vegetables and fruit rich in vitamins A, C, E, and zinc.
Not only that, avoid exposure to chemicals, electricity, continuous radiation, hot baths, and wearing pants that are too tight to protect the ideal temperature of the testicles. That way, even though you can’t prevent it, you can reduce your risk of experiencing a varicocele.
Understanding Varicocele Treatment Without Surgery
Click here for more information concerning these treatments.